A tiny boil on the ass of the Internet.


TANcast 014 – Three Men and a Baby plus Poo

September 2nd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This episode is in memory of Star Trek: The Experience which closed in Las Vegas as this episode was being edited.

The good news is, for over half the show, the TANboys explore a single theme. The bad news is, that theme is “breasts.” …Breasts in politics, breasts on the Food Network, breast pumps, breast milk, chicken breasts, even man-breasts.

Somewhere in between all the breasts, they reveal the biggest news in the history of TANcast, manage to talk about how to crush your soul watching Animal Planet, insult the entire Hepburn family, figure out which of them is “The Gene Roddenberry of TANcast,” do a terrible job of keeping secrets, diss on the Love Guru and the Mummy 3, explain why Andy is not the man to @#$% with, and then unravel in a potty humor giggle fest.

This week’s TANlaugh submitted by Iris. (Thanks Iris!)
Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Tim (at) TANcast.com


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

15 Responses to “TANcast 014 – Three Men and a Baby plus Poo”

  1. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Turns out Sarah Palin’s daughter is 17. We are dirty, dirty old men for commenting on her “titties”.

    She is also 5 months pregnant. I think the boobs and the pregnancy might not be unrelated.

  2. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    What? The new champion of right-wing family values has an unwed pregnant daughter? AWESOME!!!

    Hurray for hypocrisy! And hurray for GILFs!!!

  3. MikeNo Gravatar Says:

    Andy, you’re a sick freak. I, however, can feel free to start at Sarah Palin’s daughters “titties”, considering I too am seventeen. Ah, the joys of youth. I can look at the same girls you do, and never once have to feel like a “dirty, dirty old man” as Andy put it.
    Tim…. you just scare me. lol

  4. AnastasiaNo Gravatar Says:

    wow, thats all I can say.

  5. AlissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Ughhh I cannot stand Giada De Laurentiis.
    But that’s more a personality [she just bugs me] issue than a looks issue. Altho her head is way too big for her body so that bugs me too. But, uh, yea..totally hot bod [?].
    Anyway, another joyous tancast. My favorite part was when my roommate shouted from down the hall “What the fuck is wrong with your Babbs Bunny friend?!?!” [sorry Tim, but that’s what they call you]
    And congrats Mr. Senior!

  6. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Putting it on the Zune tonight…listening to it on the way to work tomorrow. Have you guys heard anything back from the Zune Marketplace yet? I keep searching….

    BTW….I’ve told Tim that listening to you guys reminds me a lot of the conversations we’d have late nights in college, either while watching a movie or hanging out in the commons area, subject matter and all.

    Sadly, yes, this does include talking about eating babies.

    Anyway, it occurred to me that I think it’s because we’re mostly the same age. At least, that’s what I think I’ve picked up on.

    Sometimes I am about as sharp as a sack of high bounce balls, however.

  7. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Tony, it looks like Zune hates us. Either that or they are waiting for more than 4 people to request our inclusion in the marketplace.

    To anyone (besides Tony) who cares to see us listed in the Zune Marketplace, open the Zune software, click “marketplace”, then “podcasts”, and look in the lower right for “submit a podcast” (seriously, why are these all in lowercase?). Copy the link below and paste it in to the submission box:


    If you could give a shit about a TANcast listing, but still want to see us in YOUR Zune software, click “collection”, then “podcasts”, and find “ADD A PODCAST” in the lower left, then paste that link into the subscription box.

  8. GrantNo Gravatar Says:

    Great show in #14 – and congrats andy.

    You were asking where recent listeners were coming from – if you check the smod comments on quickstop you guys popped up as an alternative when the guys there missed a week recently, glad that you did.

    for Sarah Palin’s daughter, while you are still certainly dirty old men, at least you weren’t talking about obama’s daughter.

  9. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanks, Grant. I actually JUST found that random shout out from Frank on the SModcast 61 post page:


    And because I am a goddamn freak of nature:


  10. AnastasiaNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m sorry but i felt offended when you started talking about Giada. anywho. I still love the show

  11. KrisNo Gravatar Says:

    I love your podcast!! Everyone in my office looks at me funny when I start laughing loudly. Oh Yeah I am gay and I still think your funny as hell! I hope nobody gets offended. Just some positive feedback!!!

  12. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    Anastasia: Giada is the thing that offended you? What in particular did we say?

  13. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    BTW, listened to the show on my way to work. Andy, congrats, man! My wife is currently on strict bedrest until next year, so I am feeling your pain, man. And her’s…..I was wincing when you were describing the epidural or however you spell it….I know my wife is going to go through that….wow…..ouch….

    BTW…Love Guru and Mummy 3 did both truly suck worse than anything that has ever sucked before. I’m sorry, I strongly dislike Romy & Michelle, but if I had to chose which to watch, it’s be that movie.

    Another great show, guys. You asked about new listeners to post up….you ever thought about one of those cheesy ass “Introduce Yourself” topics?

  14. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    I HAVE been thinking about putting up a cheesy-ass, circa-1996, neon-purple-texted, <BLINK>-tagged, tiled-background-imaged “Guestbook” page that people could leave information about themselves on.

    I just haven’t figured out precisely how I can make it suck the most…

  15. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    I only just got up to this episode :]
    Thankyou, Noah, Andy & Tim.
    I will use my magic powers only for good.
    However, they aren’t much use over the tannoy in school now since I’m in uni…

    But yeah.
    I’m very nearly up to date now.

    It’s funny listening to you talk about movies that still haven’t even come out here.

    By t he by

    The Strangers is a piece of sh*t if you were thinking about seeing it.

    Thankyou again.

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