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Poor Kid Just Wanted Some Cake

November 17th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

It’s never fun when your child is sick, but what a bad day to happen to my little guy.

My oldest son, Michael, was invited to TWO birthday parties yesterday. Fortunately they were only 7 minutes apart and only overlapped by a half hour. SO we thought we would go to both. He was preparing all week. Talking about the fun he would have. The biggest thing was, he was hoping he would get a change to eat some cake. Then it struck him that he might even get to eat cake at BOTH parties.

Well, from the way this blog started, you know how that ended. While at the first party, (before the cake was served) my son complained that his tummy didn’t feel good. I said we could leave and as we were saying goodbye to the birthday boy’s mom, he puked…a lot. Poor thing. It also, I was holding him when he puked so, that was a little gross. As we were leaving, he said, “I think I’ll be better at the next party.” I had to tell him that there was no way we were going to the next party. Especially since it was one of those jumpy places. Poor guy’s cake dreams were dashed. But I could tell he was still not feeling well because he didn’t put up much of a fight.

So I took him back to Nana’s house, where mommy and little brother were, and he laid down for a nap. (Fortunately, Nana had just bought a Mickey Mouse toddler bed, so Michael got to nap in it. While everyone was napping, I ran home and changed out of my barf clothes. Then I came back with crackers, ginger ale and Jell-O. I came back and Michale had moved from the bed to the couch to be near mommy.

When I got there, it was time for mommy to feed baby brother, so I sat with Michael on the couch. Then all of a sudden and with no warning, Michael puked again. I scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom. Mommy suggested we have a nice warm bath to clean up. Oh, it should be noted that my clothes and I took the brunt of my son’s puke yet again. But more on that later.

So we bathed him, put him in some new Mickey Mouse pajamas, and gave him some ginger ale. We also tried to give him the Jell-O…the kid would NOT eat it. Is that crazy? What kid doesn’t like Jell-O? I think the problem is he didn’t like the look of it for some reason and when we tried to convince him he’d like it, he dug his heals in. So when he finally tasted it, he wasn’t going to back down. Stubborn little turd…reminds me of me.

Anyway, we finally got him home and in bed and he seems to be doing better. But back to me being barfed on twice in one day. When we were at Nana’s house, she was nice enough to let me wash my (and Micheal’s) barfed on clothes. In the meantime, she loaned me one of her outfits. So the one positive that came from all this is that now you all get to have this forever…

If you’re anything like my wife, you’re laughing hysterically right now. She actually says this picture doens’t let you appreciate how “crazy tight” those pats were. I told her I posed this way on purpose so that I wasn’t flashing the internet my junk. So enjoy that.

3 Responses to “Poor Kid Just Wanted Some Cake”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Avengers 3: Age of Bulgeman

  2. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    So let me get this straight… this is a photo of you in your mother-in-law’s clothes? The world is a strange place.

  3. EmmaNo Gravatar Says:

    I feel bad for you and Michael. At least we got a laugh out of it! 😉

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