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What Happened to the Saddest Boy Ever?

November 21st, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Update: I don’t know and neither do you. Let’s buy some t-shirts…

Apologies to anyone coming here via a well-meaning link you found on Reddit or Facebook or whatever.

Somehow a random “I wonder what ever happened” post by one of our hosts turned into an free-for-all of Sherlock-wannabes using our blog to name random people who were demonstrably NOT the boy in question.

We gave several warnings to stop naming names, then one little asshole had to try to be a big man by talking tough on the internet. Now the whole blog post is gone and comments are closed, leaving Aaron extra free time to go fuck his goat some more, or whatever they do for fun in Hollywood, FL.

89 Responses to “What Happened to the Saddest Boy Ever?”

  1. UPDATE: Little Boy Leaves Drill Sergeant Speechless And In Tears « Fresh 102.5 Says:

    […] They called him “the saddest little boy ever.” […]

  2. JennNo Gravatar Says:

    In order to know for sure that those Facebooks are the kid and the mom in the video, it would be nice if we knew their names. Usually they’re printed below the person when they first appear – I wonder if anyone can find that info?

  3. nicoleNo Gravatar Says:

    has anyone gotten a response back from “cody” or the mother?

  4. BritniNo Gravatar Says:

    The Cody [last name removed] guy posted on his facebook yesterday and said, “So apparently these people think I’m this kid lol and I’m just now hearing about this”. The text is followed by the video of the child and marine. =/

    May not be the right guy after all!

  5. John CarmanNo Gravatar Says:

    I found Raymond Moses on Facebook… maybe he can be asked directly.

    [link removed]

  6. John CarmanNo Gravatar Says:

    Unfortunately, Cody [last name removed] is not the boy. He wrote this on his Facebook page last night…

    Cody [last name removed]
    16 hrs ·


    So apparently these people think I’m this kid lol and I’m just now hearing about this.

  7. Shannon TuckerNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi, I’m Cody’s stepdad. Sorry to tell yall, he is not the kid. Judy [last name removed] was his Grandmother. I wish you luck in your continued search though.

  8. mikeNo Gravatar Says:

    Guys ive looked at the wall of cody [last name removed] and he has posted the video and a quote saying ” hmm seems like people think this is me but no definite answer as yet

  9. DeniNo Gravatar Says:

    That’s not Cody

  10. Tammi EdwardsNo Gravatar Says:

    Cody [removed] is not him. He just posted about this…..

    [link removed]

  11. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Ok folks…I’ve removed all references to this poor dude’s Facebook and last name. Let’s not harass random people over theories.

  12. Jack HendoNo Gravatar Says:

    Any responses from Raymond?

  13. Patricia NanceNo Gravatar Says:

    Someone knows something about this kid. Kinda strange some of the main players don’t remember at least his name.

  14. gmangNo Gravatar Says:

    spoiler alert. …they were all paid actors ..as are all talk shows off this nature!

  15. ErikaNo Gravatar Says:

    So I can’t speak for this show but I believe they where all actors even the little boy. Like many have said it is strange that no one knows anything about them. I had a friend who came out on a show similar to this one where he was paid 300 dollars to claim that he was sleeping with his brothers wife. The thing about this was he didn’t know the “brother” or the “wife.” So it might just be that this kid can’t be found because this kid is not real.

  16. MelNo Gravatar Says:

    Just in case you wondered what he was up to: [Facebook page of guy we’ve already established is not the boy deleted]

  17. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    As mentioned before, we’re not posting people’s names or Facebooks on here.

  18. AngelNo Gravatar Says:

    I’d love to know if this mystery is ever solved

  19. Stephen VannNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi my name is Stephen Vann. I was actually in Bootcamp with this kid in North Carolina! I have pictures of all of us, including this kid at About Face Bootcamp! The reason you probably can’t get any information on this kid, is because there was a lot of abuse that went on at this camp during the time we were attending this camp! The abuse we suffered was totally surreal! This kid is not 28! He is approximately 24-years-old! I believe his name is Zachary, but don’t hold me to that! I have a piece of paper with all the name of the 20ish kids that attended the camp at the time! I may be able to locate him….possibly! Feel free to contact me for more info!! Thanks.

    -Stephen Vann

  20. MelissaNo Gravatar Says:

    It has to be him, looks just like him. Perhaps he is embarrassed by this and doesn’t want to always be remembered for the clip, but I cannot understand why someone would come out and lie.

  21. BrandonNo Gravatar Says:

    I have great news here he is..
    [Facebook link deleted. STOP IT! It’s not Cody!]

  22. ChristinaNo Gravatar Says:

    I don’t see the website

  23. ChristinaNo Gravatar Says:

    It’s weird that they can’t be found because its a famous video

  24. NicoleNo Gravatar Says:

    Stephen Cann, do you have the list you speak of with the names?

  25. JeffNo Gravatar Says:

    His name is Cody [last name redacted], he is a life guard, fitness trainer, and a professional MMA fighter. Boom, your welcome.

    [His name is not Cody. We’ve been over this. Please stop posting this information -Site Admin]

  26. NanaNo Gravatar Says:

    Looks more like his younger brother, Tristan.

  27. KrystynaNo Gravatar Says:

    I love how everyone just totally ignored Stephen Vann’s comment…lol…

    Stephen Vann, if you are still looking at this page, that seems to give at least a small bit of closure! If you find out anything else, please let us know. Don’t post FB links, but if you find him, maybe message him and let us know how he’s doing? 🙂

  28. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:


    I don’t know how our silly little podcast became the go-to resource for people trying to answer a question one of our hosts mused about in passing, but it’s been amusing (and weirdly touching) enough that we’ve let this thread continue for almost 2 years.

    That said, while we may be objectively horrible people we will not stand for anything that remotely resembles abuse or harassment. TANcast does not exist for people to try to dox this young man.

    Please consider this a final warning: If anyone (other than the young man himself) attempts to post identifying information (Facebook or otherwise) then I will shut off comments and this conversation can find somewhere else to live. I will also block you from commenting on this site and report your posts to WordPress’ anti-spam system, though I doubt you will care.

    I don’t even care if you’ve got the right guy. This dude was on TV once when he was a child, and that’s it. If he wants to be internet famous then he can decide that for himself.

  29. JenNo Gravatar Says:

    So the boy everyone thinks this is did comment on this video when he shared it in April. Someone asked if it was him and he said no. He is either not that guy or doesn’t want anyone to know its him. He said Judy is his Grandmother. Just leave the guy alone. I too am very curious but maybe somethings are better left in the past.

  30. SavannahNo Gravatar Says:

    In 1994 my ex husband and I were guests on the Montel Williams Show. The show aired on April Fools Day of the same year. When we attempted to get a transcript and video copy of the show, we got the same run around…over 1000 shows, no way to find that particular show…contact our 3rd party distributor to purchase your copy…blaaablaaablaaa
    And I was a paid ‘Special Guest’.
    This was a while before the talk shows became fight fests.

  31. DaveNo Gravatar Says:

    Didn’t anyone else find it unusual that an 8-or-10-year-old would answer “I have no Daddy” instead of “I don’t have a Daddy”? That form of speech, while very correct, is seldom used anymore – especially by youngsters. It’s more like something a script writer would have penned than something a kid would say when he’s being yelled at.
    In addition,
    1) the kid’s composure throughout the whole thing looked suspiciously like he knew exactly what would happen, and
    2) the “drill instructor” hardly missed a beat after the kid answered; if he weren’t expecting that answer or if he weren’t an actor, he would have been quite surprised and likely paused or stumbled.
    This is by no means a proof, but it certainly adds to the suspicions of those that think the show was scripted.

  32. DaveNo Gravatar Says:

    More reasons the show was likely a “fake” –

    1) The (8 or) 10 year old said “I have no daddy.” How many times does one hear a child speak like that? Kids these days say “I don’t have a daddy.” Scriptwriters, however, could easily have inserted such a line without realizing how different it sounds – or perhaps choosing it for maximum effect.

    2) It seems that there was a disconnect between the boy’s behavior and “reality” – he was smiling most of the time that this big fellow was yelling at him, and remained strangely calm.

    3) The big guy almost didn’t pause after hearing the kid say “Yes, sir” to his question. It seems more like someone who isn’t an actor by trade trying to seem surprised.

    Are any of these incontrovertible? No. Do they constitute a proof on their own? No. But they do add suspicion to the matter. And the fact that neither the host of the show nor the big guy will talk about it speaks volumes on its own.

  33. DaveNo Gravatar Says:

    Sorry for the duplicate post – when I looked this morning, my previous post wasn’t there, and multiple refreshes didn’t make it reappear.

  34. DylanNo Gravatar Says:

    Guys, I applaud your efforts. While it would be nice to know the identity of this kid, know if he is happy, I also think that this post has gone on for two years… While I am not usually one to give up, and reading through these posts the support and following has touched me, I think that… It’s over. You all tried hard but if he doesn’t wish to be known or… If the Worst has come to pass then who are we to delve into private matters. If anything definitive comes up then I’d love to hear it but, let us leave this man in peace. Wherever he may be.

  35. DeniseNo Gravatar Says:

    This young fella is very much alive, well, and happy.
    His name is [redacted]
    He is a systems administrator for [redacted].

  36. DeniseNo Gravatar Says:

    After Much research…. I was misinformed…
    His actual name is [redacted]…
    He is indeed on Facebook…

  37. D.J. PierceNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi, I am from the same town as Raymond Moses and have spoken with him not long ago. Unfortunately Mr. Moses lost touch with this boy some years back and he is not sure what has become of him now.

  38. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:


    Hopefully I have your attention now.

    My co-hosts pointed out that my warning about “identifying information” may have been too vague for an idiot like “Denise” to follow, so I’ve deleted her posts and reported her as a spammer but I’m not shutting off the comment thread just yet.

    Instead, I’ll post a final warning for everyone who isn’t Denise. Read this carefully:





    If you do, I’ll close comments on this post forever, delete your comment, report you to WordPress as a spammer, and ban you from commenting on this site.

    Because I’ve had to repeat this warning and I hate repeating myself, I’ll also do my damnedest to dox whomever breaks this rule.

    I’ll tell everyone looking for this kid exactly whose fault it is that comments have been shut off.

    If you do not know what “dox” means, take a moment to look it up and then think hard about the fact that information like your internet address gets logged when you post. Denise lives in rural Wisconsin, for example.

    If you point fingers, then I’ll point fingers. You can be the new saddest kid in America.

  39. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Well, “AaRON” ruined it for everyone.

    In fact, I don’t even care what happened to “the saddest boy ever” anymore. Move along people. Nothing more to see here.