Caution: Ids at Play


TANcast 222 – This Voting Place Smells Like Urine

November 20th, 2012 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week it’s the post(POST) election dump, Noah gets naked, and the boys review Skyfall and Wreck-It-Ralph.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs are from Hillary, Vrej, and Brandon!
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Vrej’s YouTube

Story Anout Woman Fired For Threatening Obama on Facebook

Epic Rap Battles of History (Doc Brown vs Doctor Who)

Lemmie Swang It Video


13 Responses to “TANcast 222 – This Voting Place Smells Like Urine”

  1. Grace (#1 RedheadDisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    You totally should have reported that sad miserable excuse of a human being. I apologize for that guy who doesn’t deserve to work for the mouse! I hope he gets kicked and punched by some bratty little twat in high heels. He doesn’t deserve to work at Disneyland.
    ANYWAY!! love the episode! loved meeting you @Tim now to meet @Andy and @Noah!
    I took my brother and bff to a free cast member of Wreck-it Ralph screening and we loved it! I loved the short before the movie! Paperman was awesome!! @Andy should see it!

  2. Jesus A.K.A. Lobo Malo:The Fucking Pissed Off Comic GeekNo Gravatar Says:

    Lol, I’m following all three of our hosts on Twitter, *@LoboMaloArte shameless plug* and I think Noah follows me, so I got all those candy tweets. At first, they made me feel bad because not every lady loves a big guy, but then it just made me want a candy bar. Take a Snickers, bite the bottom chocolate layer off, as well as the ends. Fold it inside out so that the nugate is on the outside, role it into a ball, and enjoy. The Nugate and chocolate fuse together and you get the caramel and nuts on the inside, amazing.

  3. Jesus A.K.A. Lobo Malo:The Fucking Pissed Off Comic GeekNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh, wait. I’ve had at least one slightly flattering, slightly pervy experience and believe it or not, it was at Disneyland! I have a thing about public toilets, so I went back to the wonderful Candy Cane and crashed a bit. Came back during the night wearing a long, black leather trench buttoned up. Made it all the way to the security check point, never had to stop, but these two ladies stopped me, and asked to see the inside of my coat. So as I’m unbutton it, I have that awkward look on my face as I fumble with the buttons and I look up to see both ladies give each other that look, you know the kind, and giggle. I know some of yous are rolling your eyes at this, but this was a big moment for me, okay?

  4. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    Episode was pretty good, even with Andy’s words words words 😛 thanks for reading my jokey jokes and just for future reference, the awesomeness order is Tim and Noah tied for first, with andy coming last due to the love of crocs LOL love ya guys!

  5. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    @Grace, oh no, have the hipsters invaded the Disneyland employment? Dear GOD, NNNNNNOOOO

  6. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    @Grace, WHOOPS sound have listened first then commented… something tells me he’s one of the “sucrity guards” there… I wonder if he’s the same guy I complained about because he harassed me (a very pregnant lady at the time) toss out my clear cup of water (about barely 4 oz). Oh and said if I didn’t I would be taken to court… so does in the back lot does Disney have a little court house area like the one Pluto had to go to when he was tired against the cats? 😉

  7. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    @Chealsea no there’s no court I’m so sorry you had a jerk like that sometimes I think there are people who work there who shouldn’t i checked who Tim’s asshole is and he’s a performer apparently

  8. Vrej (Tancast's #2)No Gravatar Says:

    I started laughing SO HARD when Andy was being backed up with that patriotic music. What is that from?

  9. Vrej (Tancast's #2)No Gravatar Says:

    was it from Soarin’?

  10. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    @Grace oh how “lovely” so a performer at Disneyland has angry issues 😛

  11. Lindsey #1 Britishy Things FanNo Gravatar Says:

    I wholly admire Grace for her tolerance of guests. I work backstage, and occasionally I’m onstage and actually interact with people. The maybe 5 minutes of my week that I interact with them is enough for me. Strangely though, sometimes Cast Members act more entitled.

  12. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    I loved working onstage as a cast member, (GO Grace and you making magic! ) but agree that some guests need to chill out… your in disney, BE HAPPY! DUH! but from the sounds of the cast member Tim is talking about, he deserves to be termed… what a dusche!

  13. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    @Lindsey I’ve seen some cast members like that and they drive me bonkers (no pun intended (it was a saturday morning cartoon in the 90’s(just in case))) we are so blessed to work there and its soo much fun!!! as of guests I love interacting with them cause i get to be mischievous and mess with people mostly kids though and be a ham. (I do really dramatic death scenes)
    @Hillary thanx! yes! AMEN!! on both parts! I’ve had the unfortunate displeasure to work with someone who let’s just call him call him by what he’s known by in the park “The Russian” He’s an obnoxious, creepy, rude, annoying, thieving, idiotic, jackass! he is like the absolute WORST castmember in the world!!! He is… yeah he’s stolen, been rude to guests and castmembers alike. yeah. i don’t like this guy. like AT ALL!!! and as a matter of fact nor do any castmember I’ve ever asked. anyway yea he’s awful.
    so in other news, I LOVE MY JOB!!!!

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