We're not actually joined at the hips, we just like to stand this way.


You are Browsing the March 2010 Archive:

More ID4? IDK

Posted on March 30th, 2010 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Tim Babb’s March Blog Madness: Day 30 So according to this article, Will Smith has signed on to star in TWO sequels to Independence Day. I guess they’re going to shoot them back to back like Back to the Future, Matrix, and Pirates of the Caribbean did (has that strategy EVER produced movies that most […]

TANcast 053 – I Hope Your House Has Termites

Posted on June 7th, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week, the boys sing the praises of cracked.com, Tim praises the film “Up,” the boys find plot holes in the Terminator series, talk life and death in comic books (Batman, Captain America, and Wolverine), Glenn Beck and Tim cry like little bitches, the boys talk TV (Mentalist, Psych, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, and Mythbusters), […]