Posted on December 19th, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)
I just looked at the stats and the podcast downloads are higher than they’ve been in a while! So thank you to all of you who’ve told a friend to listen and thank you to all of you who are someone’s friend and decided to listen. …and also thank you to Disneyland for bringing back […]
Posted on March 29th, 2009 by TANcast Admin
Update: The change has come. TANcast is now using the Blubrry Powerpress plugin to run our podcast. The feeds seem to be working, but shit always seems to happen right when I think everything is copacetic. I’ll do more on this tomorrow (like removing all the crap) but if you have any problems please let […]
Posted on February 14th, 2009 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)
I failed to mention this on the TANcast we just recorded last night, but TANcast is now also available via the Blubrry network: As I mentioned previously, we’ll be swapping our nigh-abandoned podcasting plugin, PodPress, with Blubrry’s Powerpress plugin, just as soon as they release the next update that enables auto-migration of old posts. […]
Posted on January 11th, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)
Yup…we’re not in our little TANwindow this week. Personal crises, prior commitments, and poor planning and communication have created a perfect storm that amounts to no TANcast this week
Sorry, TANcastinators and TANcastanets. We’ll be back next week…we hope.
Posted on October 19th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)
(sort of) While I (Tim) was in Vegas, Noah and Andy (plus a special guest) recorded an episode of the show and it will be up soon! (If the boys will get off their asses and send me their audio) Plus there’ll be a special announcement on the show…so stay tuned for that!