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You are Browsing the September 2009 Archive:

It’s Kougar Time!!!

Posted on September 24th, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

30 Days and 30 Blogs: Day 23 For those of you who don’t know, I’m a regular contributor to Kougarmagazine.com It’s a site by and for sexy, sophisticated, self-reliant women and the men who love them. I really like the idea of championing the notion that age is just a number and if you’re motivated, […]

Offending People from the Stage Again

Posted on September 15th, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

30 Days and 30 Blogs: Day 15 “Really, Tim? You couldn’t wait 24 hours? You bastard!” Tragically, Patrick Swayze passed away yesterday. I learned about this about 40 minutes before my first of 3 performances that night. I decided to mention it on stage all 3 times I performed. (“Too soon” has almost no meaning […]

TANcast 042 – A Tribute to MeanDawg Top 5

Posted on March 23rd, 2009 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised. In response to a post on the MeanDawg forums, The TANboys rip off…er…pay tribute to the MeanDawg top five podcast with their lists of “top 5 movies they were most excited to see or were the most memorable movie going experiences…that they […]