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You are Browsing the October 2009 Archive:

No such thing as bad publicity?

Posted on October 3rd, 2009 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

Andy’s October of Suckage: Day 3 Note: I forgot to hit “Publish” before I went to bed last night. I have, as promised, socked myself in the left nut. Maybe I didn’t notice this phenomenon as much in California, but it seems as if every other car in Georgia has some sort of signage (magnetic […]

5 Months in GA

Posted on December 18th, 2006 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

Things I have learned in my short time in the South: There is no CJ’s, only Hardee’s. Jack in the Box is a distant dream. By that I mean it is 200 miles away. Don’t even ask about In ‘N Out Burger. Here it’s Edy’s, not Dreyer’s. Apparently the other guy who started the company […]

An open letter to my fellow drivers

Posted on March 21st, 2004 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

I just took a quick trip to see my parents, which means I drove the same 90 miles twice in about 24 hours. The visit was lovely, but what follows is a profanity-laced letter to a few of the drivers who “shared” the road with me. Anyone weak of stomach or easily offended or related […]