Saving the world, one diarrhea joke at a time.


You are Browsing the March 2014 Archive:

TANcast 279 – Paris Hilton Vs Lindsay Lohan

Posted on March 17th, 2014 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week Noah gets butt hurt, Andy reminds us not to text and drive, and it’s the Hottie and the Nottie vs InAPPropriate Comedy in the “Worst. Movie. Ever. Tournament.” 00:00 – 00:42 Pre-Show Dedication 00:42 – 03:27 Intro 03:27 – 17:14 How was your week 05:17-07:49 Non-Stop Spoilers 17:14 – 26:36 Don’t Masturbate in […]