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You are Browsing the June 2010 Archive:

TANcast 103 – We Need to Get Back to Monkey Rape

Posted on June 14th, 2010 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

The boys a monkey (chimp) raping a frog, why you shouldn’t let Tim near your girlfriend if she’s a CSI, SModcast woes, the changing nature of the English language, AT&T’s latest foul ups, the World Cup (WTF?), meeting celebrities, Hermaphrodite sex, and graduation stores. [CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is […]

12 Angry … somethings.

Posted on June 3rd, 2005 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

The Michael Jackson trial goes to the jury today to decide the pop icon’s guilt on 10 felony counts including 7 counts of “lewd or lascivious acts on a child under the age of 14” and 2 of “administering an intoxicating agent” related to the molestation charges. Happily, Jackson should be assured a fair deliberation […]