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TANcast 503 – Maybe You Can Get It If Someone Coughs On Your Butthole

Posted on April 4th, 2020 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Mensa Here I Come

Posted on November 12th, 2013 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb Day 12 So the other night, my wife says, “Shoot I forgot to get gas today.” I, recognizing this is a problem that actually falls within my limited skill set, offered to take her car to get gas while she’s busy working on something. So I grab the keys and […]

Noah has Funny Brain Issues

Posted on September 16th, 2008 by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

On the 11th, Noah and I had the following IM conversation regarding this site: Noah: TANcast appears to be done Andy: Done? Noah: down Andy: Dude Andy: That is a big difference I’m sure you will all agree that “done” sounds pretty damn final.  I thought something had gone horribly wrong with the hosting, or […]

TANcast 011 – Translate Server Error

Posted on August 10th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week the TANboys start of with a truncated salute to the late Bernie Mac before pissing all over the Olympics, China, and McDonalds! Then they move on to Tim’s Vegas day trip to see Star Trek: The Experience and strike a blow for gay rights. Noah reviews the movie “Be Kind Rewind” and Tim […]