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Coming Soonish…

Posted on December 17th, 2008 by TANcast Admin

… to a TANcast near you (“near” in a virtual sense, unless you live in the Greater Los Angeles Area, the San Francisco Bay Area, or Metro Atlanta, in which case “near” also applies physically): WordPress 2.7, giving us lots of new features like easy implementation of sticky posts (the latest TANcast will always be […]

You can now Vote for us at PodcastAlley

Posted on December 4th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

You can finally vote for us at Podcast Alley! (I know you’ve been waiting) Podcastalley.com

Happy Halloween!

Posted on October 31st, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Sorry, our Halloween episode won’t be out until Monday, but here’s a little (very little) bit of comedy to tide you over. Happy Halloween! Don’t be scared 😉

Don’t Vote…?

Posted on October 30th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Genuine concern for the future of our country… Combined with shameless self promotion…

Vote for TANcast today

Posted on October 23rd, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

…and everyday (once a day) through November 6th

There WILL be TANcast

Posted on October 19th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

(sort of) While I (Tim) was in Vegas, Noah and Andy (plus a special guest) recorded an episode of the show and it will be up soon! (If the boys will get off their asses and send me their audio) Plus there’ll be a special announcement on the show…so stay tuned for that!

We’re in the Zune Marketplace, baby!!!

Posted on October 2nd, 2008 by TANcast Admin

It took several weeks, but you can now find the TANcast podcast in the Zune software’s “Marketplace”, filed under “Entertainment – Comedy” .  We were already on iTunes, so this extends our reach just a bit further than before. This means we also have the ability to give you Zune users (Tony and… ?) a […]

An award winning podcast?!

Posted on September 27th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

…ok, not yet, but we could be with your help. PodCastAwards.com is currently accepting nominations in several different categories. We would be so grateful if those of you who checkout this site could nominate us. You can only put us in one category. So may I suggest “mature” or “comedy.” The Nominations close on September […]

Happy Labor Day

Posted on September 1st, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

For our listeners outside the US, Labor Day is a holiday about…um…well as a typical “American Idiot” I’m not really sure. But it does mean that I will be spending the next 5 hours driving back home to LA before I get a chance to edit the show we recorded yesterday. So It will either […]

It’s coming, I swear

Posted on August 18th, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Hey kids…I’m editing the current episode right now…it’s just taking longer than usual. In the meantime, enjoy this brief preview… TANcast – Meltdown

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