Squirrel of Justice!


Why Do Cars Hate Me?

September 16th, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Day 16

I’m sitting at the Toyota service department waiting for them to fix my wife’s car alarm. See it has this problem where the alarm goes off randomly in the middle of the night.

So, I dropped it off here at 10am this morning and told them I needed it by 4:30pm. NO ne called me, so I showed up at 5:00pm. I see my car sitting in the lot. I walk up and say, “Hey is my car ready?” Th lady doesn’t know. She pages the mechanic, he says it is ready. So I go pay the $135 bucks and get ready to drive off to do the other things I need to do today.

I get in and the door warning light on the dashboard won’t shut off. I open and close all the doors…nothing. I tell them and they say they’ll need another hour to fix it…maybe more. As I sit in the lounge, I can hear the alarm going off in the distance. I get the distinct feeling they have no idea what they’re doing. Glad I’m paying premium prices for this.

Why can’t cars just work? Why do cars I get involved with always try to screw me? I just want to drive you…I’m not going to take nude pics of you and post them on the internet…just work with me!

I’d love to tell you how this story ends, but I only have 12% of my battery left. Gotta post!

To be continued…

**Update #1** After my laptop battery died, the service people told me they didn’t know enough about my alarm system to fix the problem. So they reset it to how it was when they started and refunded my money. While I am annoyed that my car spent seven and a half hours here and was returned to me in the exact condition I brought it in (broken)…I was impressed that I didn’t have to ask for my money back. Truly classy move, Toyota of Sunnyvale.

**Update #2** So I went to the other repair place today. In about a half hour they disabled my alarm and sent me on my way. Didn’t even charge me! So this story has a happy ending after all. Thank you, Capital Toyota of San Jose…now my annoying downstairs neighbors can’t complain about my wife’s alarm going off anymore….and hopefully that means I’ll never have to talk to them again.

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2 Responses to “Why Do Cars Hate Me?”

  1. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    Yay! Sorry it took so long to get done, but I’m glad to hear to it’s fixed. Funny how going to a different dealer made such a difference.

  2. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Speaking as a computer repair guy, “disabling” isn’t exactly the same thing as “fixing”… but hooray for not having to make conversation with neighbors!

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