Happy Halloween!
Posted on October 31st, 2008 by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)Sorry, our Halloween episode won’t be out until Monday, but here’s a little (very little) bit of comedy to tide you over. Happy Halloween! Don’t be scared
Sorry, our Halloween episode won’t be out until Monday, but here’s a little (very little) bit of comedy to tide you over. Happy Halloween! Don’t be scared
Genuine concern for the future of our country… Combined with shameless self promotion…
Sorry for the audio problems…but we didn’t want to put a good foot forward while people might be voting for us at the Podcast Awards In this episode, you’ll hear about Tim and Noah’s Universal Studios Hollywood Adventure…plus you’ll find out how poop can kill romance, hear about an ant invasion, learn very little […]
…and everyday (once a day) through November 6th
Despite the title of this week’s episode, it has nothing to do with nagging wives. It does have to do with a special announcement at the beginning, a general lack of Tim throughout the show, and the triumphant return of everyone’s favorite guest, Geoff. The TANboys (or NAGboys, if you want) talk movies: Seed of […]
(sort of) While I (Tim) was in Vegas, Noah and Andy (plus a special guest) recorded an episode of the show and it will be up soon! (If the boys will get off their asses and send me their audio) Plus there’ll be a special announcement on the show…so stay tuned for that!
Here it is…the first look at the bridge of JJ Abrams’ Enterprise. (Click the photo to see it full size) My feelings are mixed…I’m excited by the new look…but also a little disappointed that it’s so different from the classic bridge. Why make a movie about Star Trek if you just wanna change it all? […]
This is a meandering tale, so please bear with me. By the end I will have decided on a new direction to take in my life. I told a story back in TANcast 012 about how a guy I used to work with had apparently been referring to me as “Mmmmmm, Bear!” to a mutual […]
Instead of a glorious, special TANwife guest filled celebration of the 20th episode of TANcast…the whole thing goes off the rails and the show falls to pieces. Apologies for the poor audio quality this week. If you can stand to listen, you’ll hear Tim talk Star Trek (Suck it, haters!!!), you’ll hear about the “great” […]
In an episode plagued with technical difficulties, the TANboys discuss Noah’s wedding reception, a cool haunted house in Redwood city (a link to that is coming soon), and why TANWifeCast isn’t likely to happen. Then TANreviews of Grind House, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and Soul Caliber 4. Plus tales of cross-dressing laundry misadventures, a spew of […]