Not to be confused with tan cats.


It’s coming, I swear

August 18th, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Hey kids…I’m editing the current episode right now…it’s just taking longer than usual. In the meantime, enjoy this brief preview…

TANcast – Meltdown

7 Responses to “It’s coming, I swear”

  1. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    So it’s funny, I’m sitting here, telling my wife “Where’s my TANcast? I want to listen to TANcast on my way to work tonight…” and the top post on here is “It’s coming, I swear”

    Tim, get outta my head.

  2. AlissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Nice tags, douchebag.

  3. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    Wait, did you videotape yourself for the whole TANcast recording? Cuz I would watch that.

  4. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    Ha I shut it off about halfway through.

  5. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    Just out of curiousity, how many listeners do you guys get?
    Judging by the amount of comments I’ve seen so far, it only seems to be your friend Geoff and you guys :]
    I feel rather… special in a way that I’m one of the listeners now.

    Although I do hope the podcast blows up and you get millions of fans.

    Just remember…

    Luke in Liverpool played his part :]

  6. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Since we set up logging to track all downloads of the podcast about 3 weeks ago we don’t have complete stats, but it looks like 130-140 unique IP addresses have downloaded the 12th and 13th shows so far, and those counts continue to trickle up.

    Just because I like meaningless stats: About 85% of downloads are from the RSS feed (mostly iTunes, Zune, etc.), about 4.5% are from clicking the “Download” links on the website, and the remaining 10.5% or so are played in the browser.

    Keep in mind that if someone hits “play” in their browser at work to listen a little, then grabs the whole episode from home via iTunes (or is subscribed to the RSS feed using Zune or whatever) they will get double-counted. Perhaps offsetting this is the fact that multiple people on one network who share an outside IP address (people on a home network or at one company) or who download once and listen together (I hear TANcast is great for road-trips, assuming the driver doesn’t fall asleep or decide death is better than listening) only get counted once.

    It does seem like 50% of the people leaving comments are either the TANboys or people we know in meatspace, though. I guess we don’t provoke a strong desire for people to comment on the website.

    I think we are a bit like pirate radio, but with substantially better coverage area and substantially less market penetration.

  7. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    Oh that’s cool then.
    Thankyou for getting back to me.
    I hope to become a fairly regular poster.
    I’ve never ever bothered with posting on sites for… well anything.
    But a podcast which isn’t so well known (yet still so funny) may give more responses than say Smodcast (which, by the way, is how I found out about you guys – someone posted on the website mentioning you and I decided I’d give it a shot). It’s awesome being aware of the links to Smodcast here and there too :]
    By the by, I would give you a post on iTunes only to do so, you need an account, and to get that you need a credit card (which is very annoying) so no can do, I’m afraid. I will of course continue to tell my friends about the podcast. I’ve used the podcast to get me through walking home at night from my friends house and when painting the fence (still doing that f*cking fence…). Please keep them up!

    Thanks again for replying, Andy.

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