Experts on Nothing, Opinions on Everything


Who’s the Douche? Rain Boots

January 31st, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

That’s right, it’s time yet again for America’s FAVORITE game…

That’s right, “Who’s the Douche?” The game where we show you an actual exchange on the internet and you decide who the bigger douche bag is.

As is the trend with these games, it begins with a post on Facebook:

Nice Lady: I saw someone on the train wearing rain boots. Really? We’re maybe going to get a quarter of an inch of rain…maybe. It’s really not rain boot weather.

Well, nothing douchy there. Maybe today’s game has been cancelled…

Little Miss CrankyPants: Who cares what they wear it doesn’t hurt anyone

Game on, baby!!! CrankyPants came to play. Let’s see if this escalates.

Nice Lady:For adults, it just looks a little silly to be wearing rain boots when there is little to no rain. It’s not unusual for kids, but for adults it looks a little weird – like when people wear Uggs during the summer with shorts. It doesn’t hurt anyone, but if you do it, you might get a few weird looks.

Wait…that’s not douchey at all. Does Nice Lady even know we’re playing?

Little Miss CrankyPants: I wear them and so do many other women and why do you get to be so judgmental about what people wear. Most adults shouldn’t be judging what others people wear. It’s hardly Facebook Worthy

Wow! CrankyPants is dominating the douchiness today. Nice Lady is really gonna have to take the gloves off if she wants to have a shot at this.

Nice Lady:I wasn’t talking about rain boots looking silly in general, just that it looks a little strange to be wearing them when there’s little to no rain. People can wear what they want, but, for example, if someone wears jeans to a very formal event, for better or worse, they are going to stand out because the clothes don’t match the situation. It doesn’t mean anyone who notices is a terrible person – it just means they noticed the incongruity of the person’s clothes and the situation. And whether something is “Facebook worthy” is all a matter of opinion. Deeming something unworthy of Facebook is a judgment in and of itself.

Non-combative, well reasoned, and no attitude whatsoever. Well folks, it looks like this wasn’t even a contest. The winner is…

Wait…what’s this? A new player?!

Tim Babb Come on, Nice Lady, it’s very disrespectful of you to post your thoughts and/or opinions on your own Facebook page.

You should only express an opinion if you’re certain everyone on your friends list feels the same way. That’s why you so rarely see politics or sports being talked about on Facebook.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I see a cloud on the distant horizon so I must go grab my poncho and rain hat

HOLY CRAP! That’s what I’m taking about! Classic douche-tastic moves there. You have sarcasm, snark, passive-aggressiveness, not to mention the fact he inserted himself into an argument that he had no part of. NOW we have a contest!

So folks…Who’s…The…Douche?!

3 Responses to “Who’s the Douche? Rain Boots”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Douchiness… You’re Doin’ It (TM)

  2. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    I can’t work out what I’m more bemused by: that you did this, or that you blogged about it!

  3. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:

    I can’t shake the feeling that the true douche in this story was me.

    Because I am the most important thing in Tim’s life.

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