We're not actually joined at the hips, we just like to stand this way.


TANcast 247 – Bright, Happy, Technicolor Puke

June 24th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week Noah watched Superman II, Tim takes his family to Disneyland, Andy has TV issues, and the boys share vomit stories! (You’re welcome)

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Tyler, Johnathon, and Roger.
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


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Disney Forum Story of Iron Man Exhibit Disappointment

Everything Wrong With The Avengers In 3 Minutes Or Less


5 Responses to “TANcast 247 – Bright, Happy, Technicolor Puke”

  1. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    Everyone rags on Aquaman, some defend him. But I submit this to you, Aquaman had a sexual relationship with an actual dolphin! Let that soak in your mind.

  2. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    Also, I saw “This Is The End” and I gotta say, I was surprised nobody in my theater lit up. Which is good for me because I’m asthmatic. Also, it’s a good movie, everyone is on top of their game and celeb crush kills it.

    Oh, and if it’s zombies you’re a wanting, go pick up the new Deadpool issues, 1-6, zombie-tastic. I mean, what else would you expect from Brian Posehn?

  3. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jesus cite your Aquaman source

  4. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    lol love this episode guys lol!!! ur awesome!!

  5. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    Not exactly a sexual relationship, but he did think about it. http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Aquaman:_Time_and_Tide_Vol_1_2

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