Three guys, no cups…


TANcast 217 – It’s Getting Nerdy Up In Here

October 8th, 2012 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week the boys talk about teaching kids the N Word, boners, racism, and US politics.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs are from Tyler, Jonathan, and Jonathan again!
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Star Trek Can’t Predict The Future

Picard in the episode “All Good Things”

N-Word Gangsta Rap

Real Haunted Mansion House

Election Polls

Facts Are From The Devil

Tim Babb at Rooster T Feathers Oct 11-14, 2012


10 Responses to “TANcast 217 – It’s Getting Nerdy Up In Here”

  1. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Great episode guys, I was listening to it through my headphones while my son was watching “Sesame Street”, though while I was laughing, my son was wondering why I was laughing so hard to Elmo counting to 20. 😛

  2. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    @Chealsea ur comment made me laugh so hard!
    awesome episode!! loved it!, but @Tim what was the ghost host saying and where did u get it from?

  3. Jesus A.K.A. Lobo Malo:The Fucking Pissed Off Comic GeekNo Gravatar Says:

    @Chelsea, I have something to say about the great show “Sesame Street”, but since I don’t know your political views, I’ll refrain. @Grace, you stole my question, get outta my head, lol. And as for that house, wow, just wow! And speaking of the Ghost Host, anybody else hear anything about Del Torro’s Haunted Mansion movie/remake? Of course my theory, the GH is the Hatbox Ghost, who was Constance’ first victim….uh I mean husband, who was in life Master Gracey. I hope that serves as the basis for the film.

  4. AggreyNo Gravatar Says:

    The nigga song reminded me of this:

  5. EricNo Gravatar Says:

    Well Tim, you actually read a TANlaugh from my brother this week haha. Tyler is my brother

  6. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jesus, my son watches “the old school” Sesame Street, you know, the better episodes, when Mr. Henson was still alive. 😉

  7. Lindsey #1 Britishy Things FanNo Gravatar Says:

    I heard the Hat Box Ghost/Del Toro film rumour too. Hopefully it is true, could be fun!

    Also thank you gentleman for the neat segment on the Minds of Men. It’s helpful.

  8. Jesus A.K.A. Lobo Malo:The Fucking Pissed Off Comic GeekNo Gravatar Says:

    @Chelsea Nothing like the old school

  9. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Also random thought from the quote from “The Rock”, I have no idea why but I always mix up “The Rock” with “The Hunt for Red October”, again no idea why, the only thing similar with both movies is Mr. Connery looking ticked off.

  10. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:

    @Aggrey: I think… I think that video might be racist. Possibly.

    This one might be, too:

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