Going down in flames since 2008


TANcast 188 – A Cameo Mocking a Cameo That Referenced a Prior Movie

February 13th, 2012 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week: The boys announce a contest, the show gets nerdy, there’s a ton of boys baby talk, and they (finally) list off their High 5 favorite Cameos.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

Get official TANcast T-shirts, mugs, hats and more in the official TANstore: http://www.zazzle.com/tancast

This week’s TANlaughs are from Dean, Vrej, and Tyler!
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

If you want to read a part in the special TANcast episode, send a n e-mail to fucktards (at) TANcast.com with “Saving Grace.” In the subject line (you must be able to record your own voice and send it to us)


Cracked Photoshop Contest That Tim Won

Star Wars Uncut


Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Comic Crossover

Six Degrees of St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere Connections Diagram

Bill Murray Eats Food Off Someone’s Plate


15 Responses to “TANcast 188 – A Cameo Mocking a Cameo That Referenced a Prior Movie”

  1. Jesus #1 Fucking Pie Dream KillerNo Gravatar Says:

    First off, from one Jess to another, congrats. And if you want, you can drop the “original”, I feel as though I stole the name, and I don’t wanna fight for it, Jesus, Cheuy, I’m good with, but this gorditio isn’t willing to put on a speedo and suffer a jell-o fight, which I will no doubtfully lose.

    Segundo, I’m jumping in on the High 5.
    1) Brent Spiner playing Money Grubbing Brent Spiner in The Big Bang Theory
    2) Leonard Maltin as himself in Mystery Science Thearter 3000
    3) Peter Fonda as The Roman in the Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
    4) Dom Deluise in 3rd Rock from the Sun, the episode where Dick sleeps with his wife.
    and 5) a really obscure one, Jason David Frank, Tommy Oliver, the Green, White, Red, and Black Power Ranger, playing a thug in Family Matters. A trained fighter, now MMA fighter, even though it was an acting job, this may be the only time you see him lose a fight, and it’s to the little kid from Major Payne. Now that I think of it, and I may be writing a check my ass can’t cash, this biggest nerd title may have a new home.

  2. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    no deadline sort of just like do it before May 30th when my class ends. lol @Andy very nice pun! (something I haven’t heard) lol I was just about send it to you all again. lol I got my mom a few times when I was a baby. lol
    My top 5:

    1) Hugh Jackman in X-men First Class (damn it Noah!)
    2) Don Knott in 8 Simple Rules
    3) Sarah Michelle Gellar in Dr. Horrible
    4) all of Stan Lee’s cameos (damn it Tim)
    5) Nick Jonas in Last Man Standing

    My Disney Top 5

    1) Belle in Hunchback of Notre Dame
    2) The Magic Carpet in The Princess and The Frog
    3) The disappearing 80’s guy in Captain Eo
    4) Scar in Hercules
    5) The incredible Mr. Limpet in the Little Mermaid ride

    honorable mentions for all:
    Brad Pitt 21 jump street
    naked lady in rescuers
    Mrs. Potts and Chip in Tarzan
    Dom Deluise in 21 jump street

    Hugs and kisses can’t wait til next week!

  3. FinalFantazCNo Gravatar Says:

    So where is this so called #1 nerd fan? I challenge u for the title! My steam name is FinalFantazC. Come at me bro!

  4. Jess (TANcasts #1 Diharrea Gallagher Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    That was awesome guys, thanks for reading my letter!
    It’s weird that many podcasts have come and gone in the years I have been a TANcast fan. I guess I consider you guys my “indie band” of podcasting. That means if you become famous, I won’t listen anymore and complain that you sold out.

    To clarify: we will be having a boy, and naming him Ash (after The Evil Dead character) He’s due in May.

    I have to say I got weird looks on my bus ride to work as I laughed at the thought of a “Poop Themed Gallagher Show”.

  5. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @jess we won’t be famous if we have anything to say about it!

  6. Jesus #1 Fucking Pie Dream KillerNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh, I just thought of my honorable mentions. I have only one, the Herculoids from that Space Ghost episode where all this enemies band together and send him to another galaxy.

  7. Luke (TANcast's #1 Irish fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Ended up listening to the episode this morning when I had nothing to do in school, I’m pretty sure people are getting confused that I keep laughing at my ipod.

    I’ve been trying to think of my own high five but keeping it strictly in video games, here’s the ones that stand out the most for me:

    1. Michael Dorn in Mass Effect 2
    2. Patrick Stewart in TES IV: Oblivion
    3. Claudia Black in Mass Effect 2 (she’s popular in VG voice acting so I thought I’d throw her in)
    4. Shaun Ryder in GTA San Andreas
    5. Ricky Gervais in GTA IV

    I was going to throw Samuel L Jackson in San Andreas too but I think his role is a bit bigger to class as a cameo.

    Also, not sure if you remember back in the Thanksgiving episode I asked for advice on recording a podcast, well I’m happy to say that the first episode of that podcast is finally up! It’s a gaming podcast but I think a bit too much of TANcast is rubbing off us, because after 2 minutes of the first show we start talking about rape.


    We record on Sundays and will try and get each new episode up sometime at the start of the week. Any chance of a little shoutout in the next episode? I’ll repay Tim when I finally buy his comedy CD next week. I’m turning 18 next Wednesday which means I can finally have my own debit card, meaning I can finally have my own paypal account!

  8. KikiNo Gravatar Says:

    Great episode. More and more advice like episodes. Tancast has gotten into a good mix of soul crushing humor, dead baby jokes and rape, to honest and helpful advice. Thank you for being the best part of my week. Question. I know you used to do a drinking game for TANcast a long time back but was wondering if there was a list of what the “rules” were? I think there was a bingo at one point?

  9. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @kiki I don’t think we document anything. I wonder if it is time to do a wiki or something.

  10. Chelsea, Tancast's 500th fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Well it’s nice that there’s listeners out there like Grace & FinalFantazC because… fight for a title? I think I’m too lazy … wait… I mean… busy… yup that’s it! And yes, I would completely surprised if someone wants to fight me for my “title”. 😛

  11. Chelsea, Tancast's 500th fanNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jess this is straight from my husband, “when it comes to childbirth, just stay by her pillow and hold her hand, and definitely don’t look at the needle.”

  12. Chelsea, Tancast's 500th fanNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jess also take heed on the peeing notes, because my husband & I did not, so now we know what to do to get pee off of the TV. Yes our son has peed on the TV, he hasn’t peed on his, but he seems to be like a cat just peeing on what he wants.

  13. Chelsea,Tancast's Animation-nerd fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Ok because of this comment right, here my name is officially changed. I went to a screening of “The Incredibles” where the director Brad Bird, who said that he put Ollie & John in there as a nod to them. Basically said that if they were still in the business that they would be all for computer animation and expanding the boundaries. Also (to make my self a HUGE animation nerd), Brad Bird, had Ollie & John in his earlier movie, “The Iron Giant”. In that movie, they were train conductors, pretty fitting since they loved trains.

  14. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I actually knew Stan and Ollie were in Iron Giant, but I didn’t really care for that movie.

    …and it’s not Disney, so screw it!

  15. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    @Tim yeah I don’t have much memory of that one (Iron Giant) Um Tim would u mind e-mailing me or messaging me when you get the episode done cause I’m really excited to hear it and I have a bunch of friends and family who will listen to the episode soon as they hear its coming. Thanx!
    P.S. I put your comedy on a flash drive for my parents to listen to while they drive to Vegas! Ur welcome! =D

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