Validating the Validity


TANcast 181 – Can You Draw a Towel Before You Draw Your Last Breath?

December 23rd, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

The boys get the Scrooge treatment and visit their past, present and future, Tim laments the loss of the Bugle podcast, and Andy brings a new segment to the show called “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better,” where the boys pitch movie ideas that are better than “Battleship.”

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

Get official TANcast T-shirts, mugs, hats and more in the NEW official TANstore: http://www.zazzle.com/tancast

This week’s TANlaughs are from Chelsea, Rob, and Jairo!
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Link to Tim’s Stand Up Comedy CD


Tim Babb’s Kingdom Comedy: We Are The World 26

Jimmy Stewart Reads Poem About His Dog

Cracked PhotoShop Contest For Movies From Kids’ Games

What Google Images Comes Up with for “Candy Cane Dildo”


10 Responses to “TANcast 181 – Can You Draw a Towel Before You Draw Your Last Breath?”

  1. Jesus #1 Forgot his own nickname and too lazy to look it up fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Okay, so the movie pitch thing made me think of this short film/fake trailer. I first saw it in a Contemporary Cinema class I took a while back.


  2. Eric (TANcast's Number One Phillies Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Great content. i really love Andy’s new segment. Things could really get hilarious with this concept.

  3. Vrej (TANcast's #2 Fan Edited By Andy)No Gravatar Says:

    @Eric but How can something made by Andy be anything but AMAZING*


    (Because you tempted me I did actually this comment, because I can’t stand not to ruin a joke and also because I fucking can! MUAHAHA! – Andy)

  4. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Can someone do me a favour and go back through all the TANcast episodes and write up what the link sound is? =D

  5. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Thank you Andy for attempting to pronounce “caramel”. =)

    I have carefully checked the “Carmel” list of definitions on Wikipedia and none of them talk about melted sugar! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmel

    I have no problem with “American” English spelling as opposed to “British” English spelling, so Tim can say aluminum as much as he likes. =P

    (Tim: Elevator? What’s wrong with that?)

  6. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    @Andrew don’t y’all say “lift?”

  7. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    @Tim we do, but we know what elevators are.

    We have a lift (or elevator) company here called Schindler’s … yes, in certain buildings in Perth you can find yourself in Schindler’s Lift.

  8. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    I understood Andy’s hostel/hostile joke! Are I clever?

  9. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:

    @Vrej: check out your new name.

  10. Vrej (TANcast's #2)No Gravatar Says:

    @ Andy

    gorgeous. That is all

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