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TANcast 176 – Best…Christmas Movie…Ever

November 18th, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week, baby Michael sits in for most of the show, Noah eats in a fancy restaurant, Tim enjoys Family Guy and CSI: Ted Danson, and Andy hates on Hoodwinked. Plus the boys list their High 5 Holiday movies!

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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22 Responses to “TANcast 176 – Best…Christmas Movie…Ever”

  1. Lindsey #1 Harry Potter/Doctor Who/Merlin/Is it British? I'll watch it FanNo Gravatar Says:

    Noah took Love Actually and Andy took Holiday Inn from my list, so I threw on some of my honorable mentions.

    The Holiday (but only half of it, Cameron Diaz can suck it)
    The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
    A Christmas Story (You are all full of shit for not including this)

    -Matt Smith’s first Christmas episode as the Doctor (not really a movie, but it was memorable)
    -The whole claymation Rudolph/Frosty/Snow/Heat Miser collection

  2. TeresaNo Gravatar Says:

    Very enjoyable episode, guys!

    My High 5:
    Trading Places (I can’t believe none of you mentioned it!)
    A Christmas Story
    Sleepless in Seattle (Sorry Tim’s wife 🙂 I can’t recall if her name is public on the TAN)
    Edward Scissorhands

    I would have included these in my list, but I guess they don’t count since they weren’t (at least I believe they weren’t) released in the theaters.
    Frosty the Snowman
    How the Grinch Stole Christmas (TV Version)
    Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer
    A Charlie Brown Christmas

  3. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    My Holiday Movie High 5
    5) The Grinch the original animated version with Karloff
    4) Home Alone 2
    3) The Year Without a Santa Clause again, the original version
    2) It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas
    and 1) Batman Returns, just for the three wise men, Batman, Penguin, and Christopher Fucking Walken

    Honorable Mentions
    Charlie Brown Christmas
    Die Hard 2

  4. KikiNo Gravatar Says:

    Yay baby Babb! Very cute.

    If we’re going to count movies that started with something Christmas, then I’m going to include 1991’s The Addams Family.

  5. Breeno (TANcast's #1 Irish fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Tried listening to this last night in bed and yet again I fell asleep during it. The guys were halfway through the high five, then the next thing I remember hearing was “thanks for listening”.

    On the topic of the high five itself, I’ve been thinking for a while now and with the exception of Nightmare Before Christmas, I can’t think of a single Christmas movie I like enough to warrant a mention in the list. Oh and I hate Elf, I’m such a bah humbug.

  6. Grace (#1 gingerDisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    Lol baby Babb was soo adorable!! He added to the awesomeness! of this episode!
    Only one I’d add is Scrooge (that old musical with old Obi one) cause the guy who’s daughter I watch was in it!

  7. JennNo Gravatar Says:

    Dammit, Tim, I hate it when you link to Cracked articles in the show notes! I read the article, then I waste another hour reading everything else on the site.

  8. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    If it’s any consolation, Jenn you’re not alone. It happens to me all the time.

  9. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    So I pulled a “Homer”. Had a very long detailed comment to post, and what did I do? I closed Firefox BEFORE posting. DO’H!

  10. Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)No Gravatar Says:

    @Lindsay: I’m risking a lynching, but I’ve never enjoyed A Christmas Story all that much. I laugh at parts, but I tend to tune out and do something else if family has it on.

    I get that it’s funny and a little irreverent, so it should be right up my alley. I cannot account for this situation except to cite my obvious lack of taste.

  11. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan and NEW #3 Fan/the second A in TANcast)No Gravatar Says:

    My high five is (ignoring all previous comments and what the boys picked):
    -The Holiday
    -Love, Actually
    -A Christmas Carol: The Musical (Made for TV movies count because I said so)
    -Nightmare Before Christmas
    -National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
    @Andy, I hate A Christmas Story. My entire family and boyfriend love that movie and I just don’t get it. The first time I saw it I hardly chuckled at certain points and, since then, have grown to resent being forced to watch it every year.

  12. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m with Andy and Alissa. I’ve never really been a fan of “A Christmas Story.” I remember Andy and I were at a party where we watched it. I hadn’t seen it in a while and I thought to myself, “Wow…this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!” I have never seen it again. I may reassess upon another viewing…if that ever happens.

    Side note: Back to the Future 2 came out on Thanksgiving . I now officially count it as a holiday movie. 😛

  13. christinaNo Gravatar Says:

    I hate all three of you a little right now. Bad Santa? Seriously?

  14. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @Christina What is wrong with Bad Santa?

  15. ChristinaNo Gravatar Says:

    OH Noah….where should I start? Billy Bob Thornton is like seeing a turd on a wedding cake.

  16. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    @Alissa, I used to tolerate “A Christmas Story” until TBS decided to play it every year 24 hours for the full day of Christmas. Seriously? It’s okay, not a full days worth…

  17. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    I couldn’t stand “A Christmas Story” growing up, but once I took a film class, yes A film class, I switched majors so I had to start over, I can appreciate old movies now. And yes I’m calling it old, even though I was born five years later, I grew up in 90s what do you expect?

  18. Jenn (TANcast's #1 "Christmas Story"-Loving Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I saw “A Christmas Story” occasionally during my youth, and thought it was pretty funny. Years ago, I introduced my Dad to it, and he thought it was hilarious, which made me really love it. My father’s pretty stoic, so seeing him in hysterics is a real treat. (My Dad’s a big Garrison Keillor fan, too.) Now, it’s just on all day at my parents’ house on Christmas. My mother loves it, because she was a child in the ’40s in Cleveland, just like the kids in the movie. She used to shop at the department store in the movie. (The movie takes place somewhere in Indiana, but was filmed in Cleveland.) Sorry to get sappy, but watching my parents’ reaction makes that the best… Christmas movie… ever! (My parents and I also watch the Patrick Stewart version of “A Christmas Carol” every year.)

  19. JennNo Gravatar Says:

    @Tim …Aaaand it just occurred to me why “you’re” is in bold. Thank you.

  20. JasonNo Gravatar Says:

    My high five list:
    1.) A Christmas Story
    2.) Nightmare before Christmas- Danny Elfman score, AMAZING, enough said!
    3.) Elf
    4.) How the Grinch stole Christmas -the remake
    5.)Christmas Vacation
    Honorable mentions
    1.) The stop motion christmas movies- Rudolph/ Santa Clause is coming to town
    2.) Home Alone
    3.) Love, Actually

  21. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Tim, you have to watch “Love, Actually”.

    It has Liam Neeson. And Alan Rickman. And even Rowan Atkinson, briefly.

  22. Andrew S - TANCast's $44 Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    @Chelsea can I recommend a Firefox extension called Lazarus which auto-saves what you type into forms, and will rescue from many such d’ohs!


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