Podcasting both weekly and weakly.


TANcast 156 – Lucky Pierre: A Sexy Version of The Human Centipede

July 4th, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Friend of the show, Geoff, returns to debate Transformers 3 with Noah, Andy reviews Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole, and the boys discuss stereotypes in comedy. This week’s Monday Night TANfight pits 2011 Summer Blockbusters against each other: Green Lantern vs Optimus Prime.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

Get official TANcast T-shirts, mugs, hats and more in the official TANstore: http://www.cafepress.com/tancast

This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Erin, Grace, and Mike.
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

(Listen to podcast at the bottom of these links)

Scenes from the Island Used in Transformers 3

Tim Is Gay Song

Green Lantern Makes Fists Alot

Green Lantern Makes Kryptonite

Ghost of Starscream


10 Responses to “TANcast 156 – Lucky Pierre: A Sexy Version of The Human Centipede”

  1. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Green= Will, Blue=Hope, Yellow= Fear, Violet= Love, Orange= Avarice/Greed/Gluttony, Red= Rage, Indigo= Compassion. It’s basic emotion, if you have hope and are a fat, greedy person, you can fix yourself, if you’re afraid of something, you lose your will to fight, if someone has the will to keep fighting, it instills hope. Blue Lanterns are only at full power when around a Green Lantern, Yellow Lantern/Sinestro Corps weaken Green, and Blue can temporarily cure an Orange Lantern’s addiction to greed. dc.wikia.com is where my info comes from. Oh, and in Beast Wars, Starscream’s spark was indestructible and thus, immortal.

  2. Grace ur #1 RedheadeddisneyfreakNo Gravatar Says:

    oops sorry for offending you! I didn’t think it would be done. but then again u did not list me for the TANlaughs lol >=) lol so I don’t feel too bad! =) oh well, still love u guys <3

  3. Chelsea (not Lately)No Gravatar Says:

    Hey Grace, that was probably the first time anyone has ever offending these guys. 😉 Nice job.

  4. Grace ur #1 RedheadeddisneyfreakNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanx Chelsea and it was with a Disney joke!! I don’t know if I should feel proud or disgusted. lol so I’ll be proudly disgusted!

  5. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Wow, now I see why you three rag on smodcast, the first four minutes was nothing but ads and the first joke was an Anne Frank joke, wow…what a waste of my time.

  6. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @Latino_Jess I think Tim has a more love/hate relationship with Kevin, I have mostly love/indifference.

  7. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    @Noah, well, now I too have a love/hate relationship with him, I love his, movies, and “fuck everyone else” attitude he had with “Clerks” and “Mallrats”, but I hate his “I have bank and now I want more bank” thing he’s got going with his podcast. But that’s just me.

  8. Jess (TANcast's #1 Skeptical fan)No Gravatar Says:

    @Latino_Jess You can always skip past the ads at the beginning. Also, the man has always been about making money from his projects. With action figures, comic books, clothing, etc. and the podcast network is nothing new. I don’t fault him for wanting to keep making money. To give him shit for that is like a hipster hating a band they once loved because they are making money and can support themselves. You should judge the artist for his artistic content, not his business prowess.

  9. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jess I do feel like he is selling out a bit, like the ad he has for the website where you can have an affair and he tries to spin it in a positive light. However, it is his podcast, he can do what he wants. If I don’t like it, I could choose not to support his projects.

  10. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    @Jess, I see your point, but in my eyes, all his artistic prowess belongs in his movies, that’s why he got famous to begin with, that’s where I respect the man, but I agree with Noah, he does sound like he’s selling out, there are tons of podcasts out there that don’t have advertisements and they’re going strong, why does Smith, who I continue to say, has bank, need other people, Adam & Eve, among other companies, to pay for his Smod network?

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