We're not actually joined at the hips, we just like to stand this way.


TANcast – Please sTANd By

July 27th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Latest Episode

This “special” episode features a special message from “Grammar Girl” Mignon Fogarty*, a few musical surprises, and several voice mail messages. Hope this tides y’all over ’til our next real show.

*(Mignon Fogarty’s audio appears out of context and does not accurately reflect the views or opinions of Mignon Fogarty. You can hear the full context quote(s) here: http://behindthegrammar.com/2009/07/btg005-are-movie-studios-killing-podcasting/ God, I hope she thinks this is funny. Otherwise I am in some deep, grammatically correct trouble!)

No TANlaughs this week, but send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.


15 Responses to “TANcast – Please sTANd By”

  1. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Nice work – I liked the musical numbers and the post-TANtheme stuff the best.

    Hope that all is well.

    (Yes, I lurk here pressing refresh every ten seconds just to be the first to post a comment).

  2. Gino (TANcast's #1 fan in the Military)No Gravatar Says:

    Lolz. That last message was great.

  3. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    Holy crap where some of those funny…. and seriously dude, way too much free time.

  4. Mignon FogartyNo Gravatar Says:

    You crack me up! You know I would never say such things about you.

  5. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    We now have a blurb we can put on all our advertising:

    “You crack me up!” – Mignon Fogarty (Grammar Girl)

    Thanks for being ok with the bit 🙂

  6. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    All hail the PodQueen!

  7. JoNo Gravatar Says:

    Mignon rules!
    If it wasn’t for her, I’d have never heard of TANcast. . . thanks for that (add tone as appropriate)

    What’s the betting we’ll be seeing that blurb everywhere now – especially on Tim’s show posters! 🙂

    Loved the podcast! It was fun packed from beginning to end. I’m quite envious of your creativity. I never thought I’d get to hear Noah’s ‘Andy is so fat’ song. Number 10 was ingenious!

  8. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Those messages were awsome. I loved everyone of them especially the super hero one. Nice job Tim.

  9. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    It was a great day when Tim finally let me put my voice on the answering machine.

    It was another great day 2 years later when he did it a second time.

  10. Alissa (Tancast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Those voice mails were awesome. I want them…on my iPod or something, I dunno. Sell them at your shows. You might actually make a buck.

  11. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    I loved the MIgnon Fogarty bit, and I loved more that she loved it. I found each of you separately, and you two coming together was faboo.

    I enjoyed the songs, but wouldn’t mind an encore of “Happy Fuck You.”

  12. Kevin (TANcast's #1 Missourian Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Hey TANfans, long time listener/reader, first time writer…

    Just wanted to say I love the show. Found it on the ViewAskew message board. It gets me though the long days sitting at a computer.

    Comedic genius; Very talented.

  13. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Welcome, Kevin. Thanks for listening/posting!

    …wait a minute…you’re name is “Kevin” and you found us on the View Askew boards? …Holy crap!!! 😉

  14. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Well it says #1 Missourian Fan, sooo probably not but still cool. I found this Podcast by listening to Smodcast first and my brother mentioning it. Very cool.

  15. Kevin (TANcast's #1 Missourian Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    No, I’m not Kevin Smith, but I do enjoy his podcast as well. Only two I listen to.

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