Somehow ECRUcast sounded too pretentious.


TANcast 051 – TANcast May Cause Diarrhea

May 26th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

TANcast returns to form with rambling discussions of Angels and Demons, disgusting sex terms, paintballing with racists, Portal (the game), Wolverine (also the game), season finales of CSI, 24, Lost, Panda Express as payment for favors, the promise and pitfalls of social networking sites, problem co-workers, a special guest for our 1 year anniversary show (next week), tales of woe from the dentist’s chair, and problems with porn.

This week’s TANlaugh was submitted by Mike Dawson
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:
(Thank you for getting us into the top 10 comedy podcasts for May)

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.


Tom Hanks on Daily Show

Tim Tweets “@jismyourface”

Photo of a Dental Floss Pick

DAN Savage’s “Savage Love”


26 Responses to “TANcast 051 – TANcast May Cause Diarrhea”

  1. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Love this episode! Seriously all around good stuff. If you eat one baby you can’t get full, I prefer maybe a baker dozen of Ethiopians, nutritious and low in fat….j/k

    I like the new LINK sound effect, much better than the last.


  2. Alissa (Tancast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    The link for Dan Savage is brokennnn! And also, “hahaha” to the rest of the podcast.

  3. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Thanks Alissa…link is fixed.

    Also I found Mike Savage and I know who Andy’s wife was thinking of.

  4. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I like the new link sound, and I the stalker?

  5. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Oh no – Dan Savage link still broken – inconsolable…

  6. Todd (Tancast's #5 Biggest Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Great episode guys. Oh, and I like either link sound FX.

    Funny story…. after listening to this episode of Tancast, I’ve developed a case of the diarrhea. Seriously! Psychosomatic?

  7. Todd (Tancast's #5 Biggest Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Oh, and the dental floss thingy I use looks like a slingshot; My 2 cents.

  8. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    RE: Princess Edamame

    Does the link still not work for you? i just checked and it seems ok.


  9. Jess (TANcasts #1 employed fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I think you guys should get into more spoiler-ish talk about movies and shows. I don’t mind the spoilers as long as you warn us.

    Also, I got a job!!!

  10. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Hurray for Jess!!! Welcome back to the work force. I knew you would do it. If Andy can get a job, anybody can…tee hee!

    Also…I’m glad folks seem to like the new Michael Bay style “link” sound.

  11. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Noah and Princess Edamame (and Alissa and Tim): It seems OK because I fixed it and I am awesome.

    Jess: Kickass!

  12. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:


    It’s a word that may interest you guys.

  13. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    What is up with the script error at the top of the page? Am I the only one seeing it?

  14. Todd (Tancast's #5 Biggest Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I see script errors… (whispering) ~Sixth Sign.

    And yes, Andy IS awesome…

    Remember: Tachitos go in one end and explode out the other.

  15. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Our advertising management plugin decided to take a ginormous shit for some reason.

    There’s no reason it should have suddenly done so, unless our host changed something on our server that fucked up this one plugin and nothing else. I haven’t updated that plugin recently, nor have I touched its configuration or even any other plugins in the hours between wen the site worked last and when it broke.

    Big WTF on this one. For now I’ve disabled the plugin.

  16. Todd (Tancast's #5 Biggest Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Script error free! Wonderful.

    One more thing I remembered about this latest podcast….

    Tim’s shouting of Khan dubbed with the real sound track almost made me crash my car! I had to rewind and listen to it, like 5 times.

    Cannes is can also be pronounced “can”, or so I’ve made up in my head.

    P.S. I am now typing outside of the comment box… there are bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain’t no bugs on me!

  17. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Todd, that’s been happening since the board was first put up. I know, because I’ve pointed it out before. 🙂

    And good show, gentlemen. Really good show.

    And Tim, I’m now in the ranks of the Passholes at DLR, so watch yourself. Might run into you.

  18. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Andy IS awesome. Without Andy, I would have had to copy and paste the damn link. Thank you, Andy – you really are always fucking right.

    And the downside of vacation is…I haven’t gotten to listen yet, because I have no commute this week, and my 4 year old kid who yells out at Disney- and Lego- lands “you’re bustin’ my balls!” is always with me. And I really can’t contribute to his delinquency any further without police intervention ensuing. So no TANcast for me until Monday.

  19. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Oh no, just noticed Tony’s post – not another Passhole! DIsneyland’s crowded enough!!!

  20. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Hey, at least it has more blackout dates than my former CM pass. 😉 And I hear ya on the commute thing. When I used to drive to Disneyland from the I.E. I had more time to listen. Now, I have to make time.

  21. BrianNo Gravatar Says:

    can you make every effort to get Van to swear in episode 52? probably too late with the request.

  22. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Too late, but I think you won’t be disappointed. Van got his TAN on.

  23. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Finally listening to this episode, and I think that Noah’s little girl voice gives me diarrhea. 🙂 Looking forward to more on tomorrow’s commute, child-free.

  24. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Finished, loved it, thanks guys.

  25. Heidi (#1 cousin fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Funny show! Thanks Tim for the shout out and FYI I looked it up and here is the technical definition of a Strawberry Shortcake according to Urban Dictionary: When one recieves oral sex, pulls out, and ejaculates in the others face, then punches the other in the nose so it bleeds and swirls about. This creates a pinkish color and therefore a sexual strawberry shortcake.

  26. NickNo Gravatar Says:

    Still reliving the past with The OG episodes of Tancast .

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