Sword of Holy Fury


Funny Or Die

March 10th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

So for those who’ve never seen my Kingdom Comedy series on YouTube, I created a bunch of previews for future movies based on Disneyland rides. Well I broke them down to individual videos so that you could watch one without watching all of them. I put them on Funny or Die so if you wanna check ’em out and forward your favorite one(s) to your friends who might like ’em, please feel free 🙂 (Also remember to click “funny”…’cause I don’t wanna die)

Click on any of the titles below to see ’em 😀

5 Responses to “Funny Or Die”

  1. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I gotta say, Disney needs to get on Park Bench, because that one’s a gold mine. Fuck Matterhorn the Movie, Park Bench is where the real money is!

  2. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    I have two (compound) words for you:

    Brokeback Parkbench

  3. Jess (Matterhorn The Movies #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I loved Matterhorn The Movie


  4. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Fantastic. You do a great job on these. you actually do a great job of making yourself look different for different characters in the one vid.

  5. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    And that visual shall never leave my mind. Thanks for that, Andy.

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