Not to be confused with tan cats.


TANcast 039 – Tim’s Got a Yeast Infection

March 2nd, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week starts off with a return to hating on the Octuplets Lady and monkeys, Andy and Noah talk more about their iPhones, Tim tells of his bad luck in Vegas, the perils of private porn perusal are pondered, f*** my life brings demented joy, LeVar Burton and Michael Ian Black declare war via Twitter, Obama talks to joint session of congress and TANcast gives their in-depth analysis, the TANboys marvel at some dedicated “creative people,” the boys talk Princess Diaries, Fanboys, Watchmen, and Dark Knight in IMAX, then they analyze the 80’s cartoon phenomenon that was M.A.S.K., and finally the economy takes it’s toll on some more businesses.


This week’s TANlaughs were courtesy of Nick and Tony
Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Andy (at) TANcast.com

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.


1.) 2001: A Space Odyssey:

2.) Nick’s Child Abuse Link:

3.) Comedian Eddie Pence:

4.) F*** My Life:

5.) LeVar Burton on Twitter:

6.) Michael Ian Black on Twitter:

7.) Article about the Return of Star Trek the Experience:

8.) Star Trek TNG funny Mash Up Video we watch about 40 mins into the show

9.) Every curse word on the Sopranos


19 Responses to “TANcast 039 – Tim’s Got a Yeast Infection”

  1. Gino (TANcast's #1 fan in the military)No Gravatar Says:

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, this weeks episode is up. Just started listening!

  2. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Whoops! Sorry, Nick…I left the background music too high and we couldn’t hear your joke…I’m sorry that I suck.

    On the bright side, the doc says I probably have an infection…but he’ll tell me in a few days.

    This week, my name is spelled TMI

  3. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    way too much penis talk. I almost didn’t make it.

  4. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yeah…I had second thoughts about talking about it after we recorded. I toyed with cutting it out, but the episode wouldn’t have made ANY sense without it.

  5. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Woot! Last Minute Tanlaugh made it in!
    *marks “contributed to a podcast off his list*
    And congrats to Geoff! Way to have us flood the world with our twisted spawn!

  6. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    STD? Tim 🙂 Or just an “infectino”

    I thought it was another good episode, even though my Monday sucked without hearing it first thing. But hey my Tuesday is better now! Worth the wait.

  7. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    I <3 you TANcast! You make my insides hurt from laughter!

  8. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Thank you.

  9. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’ve noticed that you guys post stuff into the past. Maybe that’s why I think you guys don’t blog much.

  10. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    We don’t typically post stuff into the past (I have, but only when originally setting up the site), but we do now keep the top podcast on top of the first page. When a new podcast is published, we “un-stick” the old one, which then takes its place chronologically with the rest of the posts.

    There are also issues with post date/time in the iPhone/iTouchMyself app for WordPress, so occasionally Noah or I might post something that shows up as being published at the time we actually started writing it.

  11. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Well, at least you and I are in the deep-southern future ahead of Noah and Tim.

  12. Jess (Tiny Totem Pole Shooting MASK Guys #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    M.A.S.K.??? Really WTF?

    Will the next TANcast be about the Gobots?

    Just kidding, good show guys.

  13. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’ll be joining the iPhone masses on the 10th. I’m so fucking excited.

  14. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    They aren’t perfect, but they are better than any phone I’ve seen before. A word of warning, though: It seems to drop calls in spotty areas. I have no idea if it’s the phone or AT&T, but there you go.

  15. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    AT&T does that, but ipods freeze up sometimes or have wrong album art. Everything has bugs, though.

  16. Luke Wall-E (TANcast's #4 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yo’ Tim, I can’t find you on Twitter :/

  17. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m here: http://twitter.com/timbabbcomedian

  18. JoNo Gravatar Says:

    So much boys talk! Comics, Hooters, Mask (or M.A.S.K?), toy cars, weapons and so much penis! Penis, penis, penis! I’d almost forgotten about the horror of Distorted View but Tim’s urethral fingering description really brought it all back for me! Thanks 🙂

    The first guy I ever slept with had a penis that bent off to the side. He had scar tissue from some burns he’d recieved as a child which affected its design. I can’t say it made any difference but then again that was a long, long time ago so I can’t really remember!

    Isn’t yoghurt good for a yeast infection? I hope you and your bits are feeling better now Tim 🙂

  19. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    What’s wrong with M.A.S.K., I ask you?
    Didn’t you know that Matt Trakker was also a special agent for GI Joe?
    And if you hate GI Joe, you just hate America.
    And I’ve got a feeling that come this summer, we’re going to find out that Stephen Sommers hates America.

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