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TANcast 030 – The Star Wars Holiday Special

December 23rd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Gather ’round the Christmas tree (or Hanukkah bush), grab a cup of hot coco, and get ready to sing your favorite TANcast Carols…It’s the TANcast Holiday Special!

This episode, you’ll hear the boys just say “no” to drugs but “yes” to smoke bombs, you’ll hear some holiday songs from a galaxy far, far away, you’ll hear tidings of great iPhone joy, you’ll hear Tim’s experience filming a George Clooney movie, you’ll hear gross ways to eat foods, you’ll find out why the TAN House lost power long ago, Tim hates on Kelly Clarkson, you’ll hear the pitfalls of Christmas shopping when married, you’ll be infected with the scourge of Christmas Shoes, you’ll find out tht ’tis the season for layoffs, you’ll hear about how Tim misses Mike Dawson on “Movies You Should See,” you’ll hear The Tale of Jimmypants, you’ll hear Tim remember “Muppets Tonight,” you’ll hear the boys hate on Internet Explorer, and you’ll hear about the greatest free gift of all.

Please vote for us at Podcast Alley:


This week’s TANlaugh was sent in by Kris
Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Andy (at) TANcast.com


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

Chewbacca sings Silent Night:

Leia sings from the Star Wars Holiday Special:

Christmas Shoes Video

Jizz in my Pants Video

19 Responses to “TANcast 030 – The Star Wars Holiday Special”

  1. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    So far I’ve only read the description, and I gotta bitch about the hating on IE. At least for now, because FF is fucked up and won’t load any sites for me, so until I figure out what to do about it, I’m listening to TA—- It can’t be THAT simple, can it? *goes to see if re-installing FF will fix it*

  2. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I had to pause it to listen to Chewbacca without the laughter. And then, someone else said something else I was going to comment on, but I forgot what. OH! I remember….. and I lost it again. RIGHT! Tim, I would have laughed my ass off if you had forgotten to put in the TANcarols. The difference between 5,000 nights and weekend minutes, and unlimited minutes is a teenage girl.
    Tim, I hate you for linking me to that. Although the ramen thing, I’m with ya Tim. It’s the only way I’ll eat ramen these days. Yeah… I think that’s about where this comment ends.

  3. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    At last!

  4. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Oh, one of my friends from work was in Vietnam. The going rate was $10 to $15 back then.

  5. Kris (TANcasts #1 Gay Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    My TANlaughs were funny! I was worried it was too much but then I thought It’s TANcast! Merry Christmas Guys Thanks for making my life worth while! Where do we send our TANgifts to? Trojans suck thats why I have an Apple. I have never had a problem since I started buying them in 2000!

  6. xapnomapcaseNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m afraid as a female listener, I don’t have any anti-male jokes. This is simply because as a bisexual, I hate both sexes with equal venom.

    It’s a hard life, but someone has to live it.

  7. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    on a lighter note, FUCK CHRISTMAS. I hate this shit and all the stress that comes with it. It’s a paid vacation for me, which have to spend all of my money on assholes. So fuck it.

  8. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I just call it Stuff Day, Bryce. At least then I’m not pretending it’s about something other than the stuff. This year, I pretty much said fuck everyone, I’m sleeping all day. And that’s exactly what I did… in fact, I’m going BACK to bed here soon XD

    And yes, uninstalling and reinstalling FF made it work…. I feel like a dumbass for not thinking of it sooner.

  9. Jess (Tancasts #2 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Merry Xmas Tancastiverse. And yes I got high while listening to Tancast once. It was wierd.

  10. Kris (TANcasts #1 Gay Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    ME TOO!

  11. Lissa (Tancasts #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yea I decided if Kris could be the #1 fan in his special category I could too. Anyway, I don’t have any anti-male jokes. Sorry. I just like my men I guess. =/

  12. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    xapnomapcase, I’m bisexual, too!

    As it turns out, though, the only man I’m attracted to is me. I guess I just can’t help it…

    I am one sexy, fat fucker.

  13. xapnomapcaseNo Gravatar Says:

    Really? No other men? Jude Law? Brad Pitt?

    If they aren’t your speed, what about John Goodman? Now, he’s a sexy beast.

  14. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Well, it looks like Lissa and I will be in a little friendly competition – since I’m clearly the #1 female fan AND have submitted some anti-male TANlaughs (tho I love men…)…how do you say we settle this? πŸ™‚

  15. Jess (Tancasts #2 Fan)No Gravatar Says:


  16. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    meeee-owwww πŸ™‚

    Have a Happy New Year, TANpeople…

  17. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    I look nothing like Brad Pitt or Jude Law. At least not from the front, and that’s all I can see clearly.

  18. Chris85No Gravatar Says:

    Love the show guys, funny you mentioning Mike Dawson on Movies You Should See, I used to love that show but man it’s gone down hill since he left/was fired. He was arrogant but he held it all together and was the only one who knew anything about movies! The vomiting story was hilarious!

    I’ve officially given up on that show now.

    Keep up the good work!

  19. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    The podcasts I really miss Mike Dawson on are Make it So and the Definitive Word.

    But I just got around to listening to the Movies You Should See Holiday special and and it was just meh. I hardly ever listen to MYSS anymore and when I do, I’m usually disappointed.

    But thanks for the kudos, sir πŸ™‚

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