About an Hour of Bull$#!%


Murphy’s TANcast

December 22nd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Everything that can go wrong this week, has gone wrong.

When we recorded the episode Noah’s program crashed, losing his audio…

Then he recovered over 700 temp files that Tim had to reassemble one at a time. Halfway through  completeing that, Tim’s computer crashed and he had to start all over.

After Tim finally recovered and reassembled all of Noah’s audio, he started editing the episode and was about halfway done when his laptop was infected with a virus that has had him spending the whole day getting rid of spyware, adware, trojans etc.

So, botom line: TANcast 30 is coming…eventually. And I hate people who write viruses!!!

7 Responses to “Murphy’s TANcast”

  1. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I picked myself up a Trojan today…. took about three hours before I finally managed to make it go away. Now, I’m virus free and living life. If this was a drug commercial, this is where you’d insert a video of some dumbass riding a bike, as if he couldn’t before he started taking his herpes meds.\

    Tim, I just have to ask…. is it that damn MS Anti-virus ’09 or some shit? If it’s that, then fuck… if not, then you have something different and I have no suggestions. lol. Well, I do have one…. stop looking at so much damn porn!

  2. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I just came across Tim’s old youtube page. “Slappy”?

  3. Kris (TANcasts #1 Gay Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    That why I have an apple! Sorry Tim 🙁

  4. Jerry BrandtNo Gravatar Says:

    Dude, time to upgrade to a Mac. Enjoy the show week in and week out, and over the past couple of weekends I went on a TANcast marathon and listened to all the old episodes (basically 1-20). Keep up the good work guys, we all appreciate it.

  5. Princess EdamameNo Gravatar Says:

    Well, cockmouth and jimmypants are at it again – and I was so waiting to hear the story behind those names…Thanks guys. Merry fucking Christmas.

  6. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m not saying Tim is like Jesus, but notice how he suffered for you all?

    All I know is that if I had some myrrh I’d give it to him for saving Christmas.

  7. Luke Wall-E (TANcast's #4 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I wanted another meltdown after Tim’s computer crashed :]

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