Saving the world, one diarrhea joke at a time.


TANcast 027 – Your Mom is Hardcore and You are a Pussy

December 1st, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

The special, musical ThANksgiving episode is a cornucopia of crap!

You’ll feast your ears on talk of Noah’s apartment hunting, Andy and Noah’s TV tips for TiVo vs the internet, Noah’s tiny keyboard, SNL, Tim and Andy’s hate for yams, Andy vs cranberries, annoying noises, more of Andy’s baby poop, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, City of LA, and the Elvis Ballet.

You’ll also hear the boys diss Dane Cook’s podcast, show some love for Mignon “Grammar Girl” Fogarty and Netcot, and give a tip of the hat to the twisted humor of Distorted View Daily.

Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Andy (at) TANcast.com


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

12 Responses to “TANcast 027 – Your Mom is Hardcore and You are a Pussy”

  1. Kris (TANcasts #1 Gay Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    The “YMCA” Parade was very GAY! Andy The segment with South Pacific cast singing “There’s nothign like a dame” I agree. I am glad you guys enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I did also. I was thinking that the SNL skit with Justin & Beyonce was a parody for the Gay Dancer that did a video on BlackBottom. http://www.blackbottom.com/watch.php?v=QSonBANahFN

  2. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    Kris: Blackbottom seems to be down. Has it been TANcasted? Doubtful.

  3. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    Hello TANcast people. I discovered your site from a link that someone dumped on the Smodcast comments last monday. I figured that you had to be atleast better than no new Smod. Over the last week i have listened to all 27 TANcats. I have put you on notice that I want that time back…. jk. I love you guys! You had me laughing so hard I had to stop listening at work because I was getting the “we are not paying you to laugh” looks. Thank you and keep up the good work on the conversations that go no where. I’ll try to play my part as a new member of this community and send along some TANlaughs for Andy to slaughter.

  4. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Guess who has magically returned. 🙂
    The manager of the motel I’m staying in for the next six weeks, decided today that the motel needs internet access. So I have access to TANcast. Even the universe has acknowledged that I am your number one fan, and I deserve to be able to listen when it comes out. YAY!
    I’ll be back with another comment after I download it… and after I get back from shopping.

  5. Mike (TANcast's #1 fan)No Gravatar Says:

    alright, i got to listen and then the net decided it didnt want to work any more. But thats good enough for me. Loved it this week, but now i have that damn song stuck in my head tim. I hate you -_-
    andy, ill try to get you some tanlaughs. In fact, ill send multiple so you arent caught off guard again.

  6. Jess (Tancasts #2 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    An hour and seven minutes? Not good enough, I want an hour and a half.

  7. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    I played Tim’s song about Noah for my friends who don’t listen to the podcast (I’ve tried to convince them, but they know me too well) and even they laughed super hard. Hilarious.

  8. TeresaNo Gravatar Says:

    That Cheerios jingle is on an endless loop in my head now. Thanks a lot, Tim.

    Great episode, guys. The “Russian”/Pakistani/Dutch bit at the end was THE BEST! Could.not.stop.laughing

  9. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    TANcast is productive right now. My mom’s decided she can sing Billy Idol, and she wants to convince me…. so now I’m listening to this to drown her out (It’s not loud enough)

  10. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    The first like 8 episodes of TANcast I listened to I was painting the fence in the back garden at the same time.
    It actually made it seem not so bad.

    So thankyou TANcast.

    (I painted one big section which ended up getting taken down and we put up a brand new fence so that’s why it took forevz in case you figured I was THAT slow)

  11. HikaruNo Gravatar Says:

    The float they were on was Froster’s home for imaginary friends, which I don’t think comes on anymore.

  12. OG StephNo Gravatar Says:

    Make the voices stop! The Cheerios jingle has been playing in my head all morning! I’ve had a week off to forget about it since you stuck it in my head over Thanksgiving and now it’s right back in there. I hate you Tim! Great show guys! I was listening while at the gym and the Noah song almost knocked me off my treadmill.

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