Nerds Talk Dirty


Are you listening Boxee?

November 17th, 2008 . by Noah

I installed XBMC on my “Media Computer” this weekend. Pretty cool app, specially for free. It can scan movies on your computer and pull down all sorts of movie information such as trailers, movie posters, actors etc. It did pull in some wrong info for some anime and foreign movies I had on my computer but that is probably because I didn’t pick the right database for it to search. Also for the anime series I have, it just named them all the same name. So i can’t quickly tell if it is episode one or episode fifty-five. One thing I really like with XBMC is there is a script that will fetch Apple Trailers for you to watch. I should say I love watching trailers, sometimes they are better then the actual movie.

There is also something called Boxee, which is currently in Alpha. I am excited about that because it can pull in Hulu, CBS, CNN and some other sources. Now if they could somehow pull in videos from all the networks that offer their TV shows online. That would be the killer app and I may cancel my cable for that. They are currently in Alpha testing and it is invite only, which you can sign up for but their site says it can take a few weeks to get your invite. Currently they only support Mac, Apple TV and Linux but Windows version is suppost to hit this fall.

In case you are curious about my home entertainment setup. I have the Samsung 40″ TOC 1080p tv and that is hooked up to Acer X1200. I actually really like the Acer x1200. It has an HDMI and is pretty cheap at $500. You can check out the specs in the link above. If I were to get it now, then I would get the Acer X3200 with Blue-Ray (I also have an Xbox 360, Slim PS2, Game Cube, Dreamcast, Gameboy DS and an out of comission modded Xbox).

That is how Technology is, soon as you get something, they come out with the new model that has more features for a little bit more or sometimes the same prices and the item you got drops down in pirce. Technology is a cruel mistress.

2 Responses to “Are you listening Boxee?”

  1. avner ronenNo Gravatar Says:

    hi noah,

    we’re listening đŸ™‚
    send me your email for an invite.


  2. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Holy crap! I guess they are listening!

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