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Jerk The Cock

November 5th, 2008 . by Noah

I am mesmerized by both the videos below.

thunderheist – jerk it from thatgo on Vimeo.

natalie portman’s shaved head – sophisticated side ponytail from thatgo on Vimeo.


Go black people!

13 Responses to “Jerk The Cock”

  1. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    oh em gee I love Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head. I discovered them a couple months ago and shared with my friends…but they didn’t understand…so sad.

    [yay black people indeed! woooot!]

  2. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    I feel like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon…

    “I’m getting too old for this shit”

  3. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Are the members of Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head 12 years old? I’m with Tim on this one, it was a good song, but made me feel old seeing kids who just became old enough to stop shitting themselves, making a music video.

  4. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    Tim, I think this is a matter of taste, not age. I would have been just as bored by these when I was a kid as I am now. Stupid crap is timeless.

    I would say “no offense” to the people who like this garbage, but I’d be lying.

  5. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    Thats Ok Geoff, your opinion is negated by the fact that you liked the live action Transformers movie.

  6. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh snap!

  7. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    ps: she’s obviously not 12. her boobs are way too jiggly.

  8. Ashley (Mike #1 fans girlfriend)No Gravatar Says:

    Hi I am new to tancast My boyfriend got me hooked XD He was afraid to see this one XD

  9. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    F*ck me, man.
    Noah’s the one finding me new music
    I’m not into these guys nearly as much as I was when you showed me Girl Talk
    I downloaded Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head’s album and found some album “Shameless Electropop ’07” album and have been blasting ‘Jerk It’ by Thunderheist all day.

    It even became my MySpace profile song.

    By the by


    Take a listen (if you haven’t already) to You’ll Find A Way (Switch & Sinden Remix) – Santogold.

    Weirdly cool.

  10. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    I was thinking about watching the Natalie Portman’s blah blah blah video again, but then I got an Urban Outfitters catalog in the mail so that took care of that!

  11. Luke Whalley (like Wall-E)No Gravatar Says:

    Judging by the clothes they’re wearing, it’s essentially the same experience…

  12. GerryNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m liking the sounds of this band, though I do wonder why on earth they have the name that they do? I wonder what Ms Portman thinks of them, I’m sure she likes it, right?

  13. Kris the GayNo Gravatar Says:

    I already owned these songs! Us gays are so Hot! : p

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