Are you a "couple" when there's three of you?


Vote for TANcast today

October 23rd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

…and everyday (once a day) through November 6th

9 Responses to “Vote for TANcast today”

  1. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, vote early, vote often (though only once a day), and most importantly:


    We are funnier than “Bloomberg On The Economy”, raunchier than “Children’s Ministry Monthly”, and 66% less healthy and less Catholic than “Healthy Catholic”. We also agree, in principle, with the name of the “Sex is Fun” podcast.

    Be sure to check your inboxes after voting: You may need to click a link to verify your e-mail address.

    I gave some love to other podcasts I’ve enjoyed, like NPR’s “Marketplace” and “Ask a Ninja”.

  2. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I already voted… and since TANcast is the only podcast I listen to, I did what any person in my position would do…. voted for whoever had the best name.

  3. BryceNo Gravatar Says:

    I drank a gallon of cheap wine, then voted. Just like a responsible TANcast listener should.

  4. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:


    Hey Tim, on a totally unrelated note, did you know that Mervyns is officially going out of business? Every single store will be closing its doors for good after this holiday season. I’ll bet you heard and celebrated already, but in case you hadn’t, congratulations! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    Thank you Mike and Bryce!

    Oh and Geoff, I did indeed know about Mervyns. I think I saw it on the news when we were in Vegas…talk about a jackpot! You can be sure I will gloat on this week’s show ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. PrincessEdamameNo Gravatar Says:

    I voted today, and plan to vote every single fucking day – just like in the general election.

    Once again, you guys had me crying driving down the 605 on this one. I have to knock that shit off. Listen on the 91 instead.

  7. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Another day, another vote ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Once a day, every day.

    I’m so regular on this, it’s like I’ve doubled my fiber intake.

  9. BEN FROM MYSPACENo Gravatar Says:

    TIM TIM TIM I WAS THE GUY THAT REPOSTED THE BULLETIN i just wanna say thanks for replying you are the greatest. ALL THREE OF YOU ARE! though GO TIM! WHOO

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