Podcasting both weekly and weakly.


TANcast 021 – NAGcast

October 20th, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Despite the title of this week’s episode, it has nothing to do with nagging wives. It does have to do with a special announcement at the beginning, a general lack of Tim throughout the show, and the triumphant return of everyone’s favorite guest, Geoff.

The TANboys (or NAGboys, if you want) talk movies: Seed of Chucky, Secret Life of Bees, Max Payne, Quarantine, and Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. They also get in to TV with a Heroes vs Lost debate and Andy slobbers all over Pushing Daisies. And for the video game lovers, there’s a Soulcalibur IV Q&A.

But it’s not all media related content, the boys manage to find the flaw in “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” remind us that farts are funny, enjoy some calculus goodness, and even weigh in on Joe the Plumber.

Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Tim (at) TANcast.com


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

13 Responses to “TANcast 021 – NAGcast”

  1. Kris the GayNo Gravatar Says:

    Andy I love your rants on politics! I would love to hear your take on Obama, Biden & McCain, Palin before Election Day!

  2. MirandaNo Gravatar Says:

    Well, I’ll fulfill the nagging wife quota (does being the wife of everyone’s favorite guest qualify me for this??): I noticed the tags for this entry and it’s “Soul Calibur”.

    I don’t know if I’m more upset at myself for catching a spelling error or for knowing the video game.

  3. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    It’s spelled “Soul Calibur”, by the way. Also, for the latest game in the series, it’s technically “Soulcalibur IV”. They changed it to be all one word and made the number into Roman numerals. Yes, it’s stupid and no, nobody really cares.

    Kris, DO NOT encourage him. Please.

  4. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    haha @ Miranda

    I knew I married you for a reason!

  5. PrincessEdamameNo Gravatar Says:

    Haven’t listened yet, but I see that TANcast is up for a podcast award for best comedy – I’ll be sure to vote early and often!

    BTW – I was listening to TANcast 5, I think – “Clerks:TNG”, and literally laughed until I cried while cruisin’ up the 605 today at the Happy Fuck You Remix – brilliant!! I actually did nearly crash

  6. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Miranda and Geoff, you really have no idea how many times I come though and sweep up after Tim’s inattention to detail (like the “sexual harrasment: Tag…), though this time it looks like Tim cleaned up after himself.

    Kris, just you wait…
    (PS: “Kris the Gay”? Awesome.)

  7. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Another good one. It was strange without Tim laughing [mostly at himself] but I enjoyed it!

  8. BryceNo Gravatar Says:

    I wish I had a TANcast shirt and not one of those shitty cafepress shirt. I hate those damn things.

  9. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    Kris- Spoiler Alert: Andy is gonna bash McCain/Palin for 7 hours.

    Miranda, Geoff -Well I fixed it so now your comments look silly 😛

    Andy – Blow me! I usually post these things at 5am after many, many hours of editing. Wait ’til you see all the spelling errors NEXT week!

    Lissa – I was gonna edit me in laughing at various parts of the show…but then these three fucks weren’t very funny…so sad. (I kid, I kid)

    Bryce – I don’t see a TANcast shirt in the near future, but as Spock has been known to say, “There are always…possibilities”

  10. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    So is the gorilla in the “Vote For Tancast” banner supposed to be Andy?

  11. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    It is a chimp.

    And what do you mean “supposed to be”? Look at my Gravatar pic!

  12. Mike (TANcasts #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Listening again (wound up missing the last fifteen minutes the first time through), and dammit Tim, why no shirts! I want a TANcast shirt! Does that really surprise anyone, lol.

  13. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    I’d go for a shirt if there was one.

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