Adequate Dick Energy


TANcast 018 – Geeks On Yo Mama

September 28th, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

In this episode, the TANboys talk sexual harassment, tell the tale of “Angela,” and try to pick up SModcast’s slack. Then an onslaught of TANcast movie reviews past, present and future…featuring: Burn After Reading, Bad Lieutenant, Dark Knight, Jack Frost, American Pie, Ghostbusters 3, and the Day the Earth Stood Still.

Then the boys hatch another plan to get Giada De Laurentiis to come on the show. Followed by some super-dorky techno babble, a misguided salute to Paul Newman, reasons you never want to talk to TANboys on the phone, a sneak preview of Noah’s reception, and finally a shameless plea to nominate us for the Pod Cast Awards. In fact, click the banner below and you can vote for us now…


This week’s TANlaugh submitted by Robin.
Send your jokes for TANlaughs to: Tim (at) TANcast.com


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

13 Responses to “TANcast 018 – Geeks On Yo Mama”

  1. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    I think we should start a roll call for the seriously fucked up people that started listening to Tancast after hearing Tim on Netcot. I have to agree with Andy that we must be the strangest demographic of podcast listeners ever.

    I’ll start…..Me.

  2. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Also, I just listened to the first Tancast, and I have to tell Andy that I actually grew up in Marietta very close to the Galleria Mall which you speak of in that episode. Needless to say I got the fuck out of that shit hole town as soon as I became 18. it’s been 13 years, and I haven’t gone back once. Enjoy your stay Andy!

  3. KrisNo Gravatar Says:

    Me too!

  4. KrisNo Gravatar Says:

    I mean I started to listen after hearing Tim on Netcot! I am glad I started to listen to Netcot that very day.

  5. KrisNo Gravatar Says:

    I voted for you for the podcast award for best comedy!

  6. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    Welcome, Jess. I hope we only minimally disappoint you in any given episode.

    Just FYI, Marietta had a big redevelopment effort (I think it was within the years after you left, but I am new here) centered around Marietta Square that added a bunch of dining, shopping, and nightlife options. It’s a tiny part of the huge sprawl that is Marietta and it’s close enough to Dobbins to hear the jets, but it’s actually pretty nice.

  7. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Ive actually heard that Marietta has gotten alot better in the past few years. (I was only joking about the whole shit-hole thing!) Just stay away from Buckhead, unless they have purged all the douche-bags from that area!
    Oh by the way, Is there still a Malibu Grand Prix behind Town Center Mall?

  8. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    I have actually started listening to the Geeks On podcast, started between your last two episodes. So I found the title to this episode amusing.

    Still loving you guys, though. In a purely platonic fashion. You’ll always be my first, and I’ll never forget that.

  9. AnastasiaNo Gravatar Says:

    OOH! I’m in the bizaare Netcot demographic! Oh btw Giada’s got a new show for the Food Network!

  10. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    1st off — thanks again to all you Netcotters who came over. Did you all hear the Disney Weddings episode? I wish I coulda talked my wife into/forded that.

    2nd –If Giada has a new show, she should probably promote it on…lets say a hugely popular* podcast ๐Ÿ˜‰

    *(by “hugely popular,” I of course mean downloaded by 12 highly enlightened people)

  11. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Since I am actually getting married in, T-Minus 9 days, I know how you feel Tim. I couldnt even get her to go to Disney World for the honeymoon. But she did agree to a first year anniversary trip.

  12. PrincessEdamameNo Gravatar Says:

    I am a proud but seriously fucked up person that came over from Netcot. I’m the one and only Nicksmommy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    It’s nice to see some Disney Geeks that aren’t afraid to use dirty words and enjoy offensive humor. Just goes to show we aren’t all up-tight conservatives!!

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