Laid end-to-end, it would circle the Earth 1.35 E-7 times!


TANcast 004 – The Pen is Blue

June 22nd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This episode features the worst/most tasteless/offensive joke we have ever told (and probably will ever tell) on TANcast. Before that, the TAN guys talk the new Toy Story ride at Disney’s California Adventure, touch on the movie Conan the Destroyer, reminisce about a childhood game gone horribly wrong, laugh at some misbehaving Muppets, and finally TANcast strikes a blow for freedom.

As always TANcast comes to you completely unedited…except for the parts we cut out.


[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

7 Responses to “TANcast 004 – The Pen is Blue”

  1. AlissaNo Gravatar Says:

    I had to things to remark upon, but I’ve forgotten them. I think I’m going to have to get a pen and some paper and next time I’ll write things down as I’m listening…yes…

    I will say this…
    you are some funny bastards. haha.

  2. MattNo Gravatar Says:

    Hey guys some inconsistancies. You said that the ash burning was 15 years ago, but then talk about 9/11 survivor, which would only be 7 years. Great show.

  3. NoahNo Gravatar Says:

    Hey Matt,

    I was kidding about the 15 years thing. We were saying that it was probably illegal to burn all that stuff. So I said it happened 15 years ago so they statue of limitations would have run out. 15 years ago, we were all in High School and didn’t live together.

    Glad you enjoyed the show.

  4. JoNo Gravatar Says:

    I read Grammar Girl’s comment about your slogan — “we put the odd in podcast” — on twitter and Google did the rest for me. There are Tancast videos and foam too but I wasn’t fooled!

    I listened to this podcast while doing my shopping and couldn’t help but to laugh out loud at the idea of playing 9/11 survivor. I scared a few of my fellow shoppers with that little outburst.

    The three of you screwing around makes for some pretty funny stuff!
    Anyway, great show and I liked the Kingdom Comedy stuff too. Very funny.

  5. DJTechnoidNo Gravatar Says:

    You guys are the funniest team of cokksuhhhhhs I have ever encountered! Thanks for another time-filler to pass my work hours!

  6. Iris (crazy fan/sister thing)No Gravatar Says:

    Ok, so which joke was supposedly the most inappropriate and obscene or whatever? There were quite a few…the 9/11 victim game was jacked up but was pretty hilarious..and there was the usual masturbation, sex, and nasty guy stuff…where was the joke? I guessed I missed it when I was laughing so hard and tattling to Mama about all of it…haha Andy, I did say blackmail 😉

    So anyway, what joke?

  7. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    You guys know me too well, I was totally in the middle of correcting you.

    Also, I just about died when ‘The Saints Go Marching On’ started playing. Brilliant.

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