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Christmas is Extended

December 26th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

31 Blogs of Christmas
Day 26

I’m typing this blog next door to the Happiest Place on Earth! Last year at about this time, I was actually feeling kinda bummed out. Christmas was over and I felt like it passed me by. This year, I made sure to start celebrating early…and if you’ve been reading the blogs over the past few weeks, you’ve been forced to celebrate with me.

But this is an even better way to avoid the post-Christmas blues. My family and I are gonna spend a few days at Disneyland where the Christmas spirit is still going strong. Small World is decked out in holiday cheer, Main Street will be pumping out some of my favorite Christmas tunes, and to top it off, Andy and his wife and kid are here!

My only worry was how I was gonna find a way to blog while down here. Fortunately “Santa” (aka my mom) hooked me up with a Windows tablet. It’s pretty sweet. I haven’t fully explored the thing, but I’m blogging in bed at 2:30 am and I’m lovin’ it. Now if only my son would go back to sleep so he can be well rested for tomorrow.

“I wanna get up right now.”

…it’s gonna be a long night.

One Response to “Christmas is Extended”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Really? You didn’t figure he’d be uncontrollably happy to be at the Happiest Place On Earth? Especially now that he’s old enough to start understanding how fully awesome the place is.

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