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We Need A Little Christmas

November 3rd, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb
Day 3

I was driving home from my mother-in-law’s house tonight and I saw this…

Hell ya!!! It’s November 3rd, baby! Five houses down still has their Halloween stuff up, but these folks said, “It’s Christmas light time baby!”

They didn’t just put them up, they flipped the switch and lit them up for all to see. Christmas is over 7 weeks away, but these folks are ready now! I, for one, salute them! I dunno if I posted about this in January, but I felt like Christmas whizzed past me last year since I was working 3 jobs. When it was over, I felt this very weird melancholy feeling for weeks. So this year, I vowed to get in the spirit early. And I’m glad I’m not alone!

Let the carols begin…

[Side note: Hey, YouTube…when I enter a song title in your search bar, I’m never looking for the Glee version. Never. Do you understand? NEVER! Stop it!]

One Response to “We Need A Little Christmas”

  1. Chelsea (the procrasting animator)No Gravatar Says:

    Hell yeah! We’re getting ready for Christmas at our house too… mostly because once Turkey day hits then it’s a whirl wind of busy events. Got our son’s birthday then family events and before we know it time to count down to 2014. So we figure decorate when you can.

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