Failure comes standard


Small World is Back!!!

November 21st, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

I was there for the first day of “Soft Openings” of It’s a Small World and below is the mediocre video result…(featuring a guest appearance by Van of the Netcot podcast)

8 Responses to “Small World is Back!!!”

  1. BryceNo Gravatar Says:

    Don’t talk shit about the WORLD when you’ve only been to a LAND. just kidding, Happy Thanksgiving guys.

  2. Jess (Tancasts #2 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I hate to throw this out there, but Disney WORLD is far superior to the land. It’s that simple.

  3. LissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Ha. Ha. HA.
    Too bad Walt never had his personal touch on Disneyworld. Too bad the special magic that is Walt’s spirit is never going to present at Disneyworld.
    And too bad Magic Kindom blows too.
    I’ll give you Epcot, but thats about it.

  4. BryceNo Gravatar Says:

    Three words: Carousel of Progress.
    But, I’d love to see the longer Pirates someday and the original castle.

  5. UnknownNo Gravatar Says:

    hello, I have seen all your videos on Kingdom comedy and one of the videos are funny: (we could say that China WWill Take over The world

  6. EricNo Gravatar Says:

    My website has the latest news going on Disneyland and Other Disney Parks In The world!

  7. TimNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi tim,
    My name is also tim.
    I’m a big Disney Fan so when i saw your kingdom comedy i viewed it. You said there was supposed to be Lilo and stich but there wasn’t any. I’d like to tell you that they will be coming after the holidays. My neighbor works at Disneyland so i know alot. By the way i’m a 13 year old kid.

  8. EricNo Gravatar Says:

    its a small world is not fair, this ride was Mary blairs project

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