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The Age of the Minivan Has Begun

November 6th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Well, it finally happened. I’m one of those dads who drives around in a minivan. On Saturday, we bought ourselves a Honda Odyssey.

Aw…c’mon. With a name like “Odyssey,” we couldn’t make it look any cooler?

That’s more like it. So when my wife goes back to work, this will be the vehicle I’ll be tooling around in. Yup…I’m that guy. But I have the advantage, I wasn’t particularly cool BEFORE I was minivan guy. Not like the ladies were doing double takes when I drove by in my Yaris.

Speaking of the Yaris, we’re actually keeping it because my wife gave up her car so the family could upgrade. So I’d like to give props to my lovely wife for that. She’s had her old Carolla since it was brand new in 2004. I know it’s just a car but you build up a lot of memories driving around in these things.

I gotta admit, though, this new minivan is pretty sweet. Leather seats, remote doors, cool box for drinks…and minivans kinda remind me of Star Trek shuttle crafts Although I’m a little worried about the computer interface on the “Odyssey”…

Yup, it was a long way to go for that sight gag. Oh, full disclosure, none of these pictures are of the actual van. It’s sitting at the dealership as I write this. We get to pick it up when we come home from the hospital with Baby Babb 2. A lot will be happening at the Babb household on Friday.

4 Responses to “The Age of the Minivan Has Begun”

  1. TeresaNo Gravatar Says:

    Congratulations on both new additions!!

  2. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Getting a GALILEO vanity license plate?

  3. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    Welcome to the club, Tim! I’m on the other side of the world and have had a Honda Odyssey for nearly ten years. =)

  4. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    For those hundreds, if not thousands, of TANcast listeners who are not on my Facebook, allow me to share this recent post of mine

    I was recently delighted by a fellow Honda Odyssey driver with the personalised license plate, SPACE2001. Rather smug-looking fatherly type at the wheel. Well played, sir.

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