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High 5 Horror Theme Songs

October 29th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Last year, I did a High 5 list of “Halloween Songs.” But this year I’m going to focus just on songs from horror movies. I’m sticking with instrumental tracks that will give that spooky feel. Here we go…


This is an obvious one. It was on the list last year. (And just like last year, I still haven’t seen the movie) But this is a great, spooky song.


Add this to the list of movies I haven’t seen. In fact I have no interest in seeing any of this series of flicks. But you can not deny that theme song. Spooky, intense, and quite hummable in parts.


Come on. How could this NOT be on my list? This is one of the most iconic pieces of horror music of all time. Can’t take a shower this time of year without this playing in your head. Right? No? I’m the only one?



Okay, maybe this isn’t technically a “horror” movie, but this is a great theme by the amazing Danny Elfman. It’s definitely light-hearted but has a very spooky vibe to it. Then that boisterous ending really drives it home.


You’re never going to be able to top John Williams…why even try?

I’m listening to this as I type…and I’m no where near the water, and it still puts me on edge. Even if this wasn’t from a movie about a killer shark, it would be a beautifully scary piece of music

Did I forget any? Let me know in the comments.

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