Not to be confused with tan cats.


Laugh at Me!!!

September 25th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Little known fact, I’m actually a comedian. I know, I don’t really post much about it these days what with the kid and the pregnant wife and all…but I actually am a stand up comic. If you’re in the San Francisco bay area, you’ve got TWO chances to see me coming up! Click on the pictures for details, links to buy tickets, and all that good stuff…

But enough of this shameless self promotion, it’s time for some shameless product promotion. It’s a great gift idea for Dad this Christmas…

In case you can’t read it, it says:

World’s Greatest* Dad
*Greatness not guaranteed

This design will soon be on a bunch more products because I love it. Stay tuned…

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