Squirrel of Justice!


A New Man

September 12th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

I shaved and got a haircut yesterday. (Not at the same time) I feel like a totally different person. I dunno why. In my head I look completely different with the long hair and stubble. You be the judge.

It’s like Clark Kent and Superman; I can’t even tell they’re the same guy. Am I right? no? Moving on.

I got my favorite kind of barber last night. The ones that don’t even try to make small talk. I love that. I have no desire to try and entertain the barber with amusing stories about my life. Do you really care what I’m doing this weekend? No. I’m the one doing it and I barely care. Are we about to become BFFs or something? No. Just trim my stupid hair up.

Ironically, I think barbers chit chat like that to establish a repertoire so they can get bigger tips, but I always tip way more if I can just sit in the chair in awkward silence. The way the lord intended.

Today’s product is kind of a novelty item. It’s a set of party favor boxes. Like you know when you throw a party and you give everyone a goody bag? This replaces the bag part and steps up your production value a notch. Now designing party supplies isn’t really my thing, but I noticed one of the styles was that of a Chinese food take out box and I thought, “I think it’s time to bring back the ol’ ‘TSE’ gag.”

If you don’t remember, there was a restaurant in China that attempted to translate their name into English and the result was a sign that said, “Translate Severe Error.” And WAAAAAY back in episode 11 of the show, I thought that would be a funny name for a real restaurant (it’s about 6 minutes in). Well thanks to the TANstore, you can pretend it is…

One Response to “A New Man”

  1. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    I don’t know man, I tend to tip on the basis if the lady rubs her no-no’s against me. Seriously, I that’s par for the course, which really doesn’t make sense, I mean, if they control the height of the chair, is there reason for them to have to reach for your hair thus resulting in said….physical contact? Kinda why I don’t really like going out to get my hair cut, plus I got this weird ASMR trigger with hair clippers above my right ear, not fun when someone is trying to cut your hair and you end up twitching.

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