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TANcast 290 – We’re Exactly As Clever As The Economist

June 8th, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week Andy heads to Portland, Tim does a comedy show for a country music radio station, and Noah sees Edge f Tomorrow. Then it’s Sex in the City 2 takes on Rubber in the Worst. Movie. Ever. Tournament.

00:00 – 01:00 Preshow
01:00 – 03:25 Intro
03:25 – 16:10 TANlaughs
16:10 – 39:33 How the #$%* was everyone’s week?
39:33 – 54:14 Worst. Movie. Ever. Tournament
54:14 – 55:23 Wrap Up
55:23 – 57:29 ?????

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Lindsey (sort of) Vrej, Tyler, and Dean
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Killer Beaz (Comedian from Alabama)

‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Creator Makes Secret Return to Comics

Rubber Trailer


8 Responses to “TANcast 290 – We’re Exactly As Clever As The Economist”

  1. Chelsea (not Kelsey)No Gravatar Says:

    Ok Andy talking about Portland, keeps making me think of this song: http://youtu.be/AVmq9dq6Nsg

  2. Murray (TANcast's #1 Grateful fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Hearing Noah talking about how he had somewhere to be reminded me that I’ve been wanting to post again to say thanks to you guys for finding time to get together to create some more TANcasty goodness (almost) every week. You guys are great.

  3. Murray (TANcast's #1 Grateful fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Also: TANcast fan re-meetup this weekend, with Andrew again travelling interstate.

  4. VrejNo Gravatar Says:

    I definitely sent you guys some tanlaughs weeks ago.

  5. VrejNo Gravatar Says:

    never mind listened to the episode

  6. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Whoops. Looks like I didn’t updated the TANlaugh part of the show notes. I’ll fix it tonight

  7. JosephNo Gravatar Says:

    Well done, ya’ll

  8. Jess (TANcast's longest listener)No Gravatar Says:

    he he he……gay poots……he he he…..

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