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TANcast 276 – They Call This Move “The Fox Scratch”

February 23rd, 2014 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week starts off with a special shout out, then the boys review the Lego movie, Noah reviews the Escape Plan, and the “Worst. Movie. Ever. Tournament” continues with White Chicks vs. BloodRayne.

00:00 – 01:40 Pre-Show
01:40 – 03:26 Intro
03:26 – 07:02 TANcast Shout Out
07:02 – 11:20 Left Field Facts From Noah
11:20 – 24:08 How the F#$% Was Everyone’s Week?
(14:16 – 15:19) Minor Spoilers for The Lego Movie
24:08 – 52:45 Worst. Movie. Ever. Tournament
52:45 – 56:11 Wrap Up
56:11 – 57:36 ???????

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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No TANlaughs again this week. Sorry
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Brian Williams Rappers Delight

Colbert Daft Punk
(Official Video Pulled…Here’s the “Unofficial” One)


BloodRayne Has Sex (NSFW)

Andy’s “Insanity Wolf”


7 Responses to “TANcast 276 – They Call This Move “The Fox Scratch””

  1. KikiNo Gravatar Says:

    Here’s another link for the Colbert Daft Punk Skit:


    (The current link leads to a video that says the content is no longer available.)

  2. KikiNo Gravatar Says:

    And I can’t edit or remove my comment because after refreshing for the post, tada, there’s a new link. Sigh.

    Anyways, thanks guys for that hilarious shout out. Sadly, laughing made him cough even harder, so he heard it, but wasn’t able to breathe for a while. We’ll relisten to it when he’s a bit better so that we can laugh as much as we want.

    The Harry/hairy bit was awesome. Yup, his name is Harry, and as far as I can see, (everything) the name does not match a description of him.

  3. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    FYI my DR said that usually migraines are cause from continuous lack of sleep….

  4. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I hope Harry feels better soon, Kiki.

    And when I told my wife about Chelsea’s comment, she gave me a dirty look for staying up so late every night.

    Also, I believe Andy grossly exaggerated the awfulness of the BloodRayne sex scene.


  5. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    If it helps, I’ve found that drinking ice cold water and then sleeping kinda helps, but I do this right when I start seeing spots

  6. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    I think that “The Warmest Quims of All” is worthy of episode title.

  7. KikiNo Gravatar Says:

    Wow. BloodRayne was mentioned in TANcast episode 10. hehe

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