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I Regret Nothing

December 23rd, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

31 Blogs of Christmas
Day 23

You may have noticed that this blog and yesterday’s blog were late. That’s because I had a choice to make…edit the latest TANcast episode or write blogs.I chose to get the episode up. I feel it was worth it just for the discussion of Statue of Liberty.

But I did want to make something worth the wait, so here is some of the “Did You Know…” facts from the Music Choice* channel. (They’re playing the “Sounds of the Season.”)

Did I know J. Edgar Hoover what in 1895? Celebrated Christmas? Didn’t most people? Did you guys crack open the eggnog early?

…yes. I knew that.

YES! Everybody knows that!

OK…well I didn’t know that, but what has that got to do with anything?

NOW you’ve got a fact I can spout at a party and seem smart! Thanks Music Choice!

*Despite the jokes at their expense, I really really like Music Choice…specifically their holiday music. But make sure to listen to their classic stuff not the contemporary Christmas “hits.” I know you kids like your singers today, but they need to stop ruining Christmas songs. They suck at singing them. You hear me, Bieber?! You suck! Stop it!

One Response to “I Regret Nothing”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Hooray widely known trivia!

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