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TANcast 266 – People Are Talking

December 1st, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week Andy almost dies, Noah watches 6 movies, Tim eats all the food, and Black Friday creeps into Thanksgiving.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were from Jenn, Luke, Dean, and some movie Noah saw
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


It’s Hot As Hell Video

Barry White Outtakes

Billy West and John DiMaggio on Nerdist

Pizza Hut Manager Fired For Closing on Thanksgiving


3 Responses to “TANcast 266 – People Are Talking”

  1. AlissaNo Gravatar Says:

    Here’s my thing Black Friday starting on Thanksgiving: I work at fucking Disneyland. I knew when I hired in that I would be scheduled all the holidays. And I consistently am. If I didn’t want to do it, I wouldn’t have applied. Some of my fellow cast members have hired in, quit right before Christmas, and then either re-hired or gotten another shitty job because once you have Disney on your resume, potential employers tend to suck your dick. I don’t really mind, considering my family lives far away and my boyfriend also works for the company, but every year without fail hundreds of people say “aw they’re making you work today?” no. YOU are making me work today.
    but it still doesn’t bother me because I knew what I was getting in to.
    I don’t know why this year everyone was getting their panties in a bunch about Black Friday spilling into Thursday. It’s been happening for at least 4 years now. That is plenty of time for people to either quit and work somewhere else, earn enough seniority that they may not have to work that day, or make plans with their families. Again, when my family used to live near me, we would plan our holiday celebrations around my schedule. Or I would ask for a later shift/earlier shift so I wouldn’t be working in the middle of the day. And for those just joining the workforce, I say again: this has been happening for years. If you’ve gotten a retail job in the past two years, you should be expecting your store to open on Thursday. Even if your store doesn’t open till midnight you’re gonna have to be there on Thursday to get ready. People need to get over themselves. Including the people who are lucky enough to have it off. The majority of people who complain about this shit, in my experience, are also people who treat retail workers like shit. Hypocrites.
    …rant over.

  2. Chelsea (the procrasting animator)No Gravatar Says:

    Here, Here Alissa. Granted I never had to work the very early mornings of Black Friday.. but I did have to work at Starbucks and at a costume store (really makes you think differently about those mall Santas, *shiver*). And yeah, you work longer hours, I worked on Thanksgiving. Yes I did get holiday pay… I would understand if people bitched because there no bonus included OR no pay what so ever but… it is a job, YOU are getting paid SO I’d take it over not getting paid at all… Also my family found out how wrong we were when we decided to try and go to Disneyland ON Christmas. We figured, “It’ll be empty”… oh how wrong we were!

  3. JennNo Gravatar Says:

    Here’s a brief opinion piece for Noah:
    I know Jeffrey Harrison, the sperm donor in “Donor Unknown,” and he thinks he’s fathered over a hundred kids, since he was a very prolific donor. I don’t know how trustworthy that assertion is; since there are websites for kids of the same donor to register themselves (so they don’t accidentally date each other), he may actually know of a large number of them. He’s also quite paranoid, though.

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