A Long Road to Nowhere


That Was A Rough One

November 10th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Talkin’ Turkey with Tim Babb
Day 9

The latest TANcast was a perfect storm of screwing up. First off, Noah had a huge lag during recording that only Andy seemed to notice. But that’s no big deal. It requires a little more creativity in editing but it’s a relatively easy fix.

But then, Andy’s computer stopped recording Andy’s audio. Not altogether, it would just randomly cut out for a few seconds over and over. All told, we lost 13 minutes of his audio spread out over a half hour. Which is why the show cuts off so suddenly.

But wait, there’s more fail. After recording, but before editing, my computer froze. I tried rebooting it and it wouldn’t restart. I tried the auto-repair feature, and that did jack-all. So I just tried rebooting it again and that finally worked. Whew…that little adventure only took a little over an hour.

Never has so much work been done to overcome so much fail and then produced so much mediocrity.

Ah crap, Noah just messaged us and said the file won’t play. The failure continues…

Please sTANd by.

One Response to “That Was A Rough One”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m singing the “Please sTANd by” music in my head…

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