A Long Road to Nowhere


Fair-Weather Ford Fan

November 5th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb
Day 6

If you listened to the latest mini-episode of TANcast, you heard me and the boys read a play that was loosely based on me an Andy (and Noah…some of his traits were mixed into the Bert character). You also would have heard that the character based on me has an “obsession” with Harrison Ford. That was very much true of me at the time. If you think I’m obsessed with John Williams these days, this is nothing compared to my Ford Fixation. …but I’m starting to wonder if that is still the case. I haven’t seen a Harrison Ford movie n the theater since the Indiana Jones movie that shall not be named.

To be clear, I’m not against Harrison Ford now. I’m just questioning my loyalty. From the 90’s to the mid 2000’s I watched everything of Harrison’s. I saw Hollywood Homicide in theaters. I OWN Six Days Seven Nights. I OWN it!!!

Yet I’ve missed all 3 chances to see him on the big screen this year; Ender’s Game, Paranoia, and 42. I missed Morning Glory, Extreme Measures, and Crossing over. I did see Cowboys and Aliens…but on a Red Box rental.

I know this isn’t some major crisis, but the line of from the play, “His room is covered floor to ceiling in Harrison Ford crap” was 100% true. Now the closest thing I have is a poster for the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland hanging in my son’s room. Maybe I need to rethink whenther I can call myself a true Harrison Ford fan.

…nah. He just needs to be in some crap I want to see.

2 Responses to “Fair-Weather Ford Fan”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Six Days, Seven Nights… was that when Anne Heche was straight or gay? Also, good call on Cowboys & Aliens… Red Box saved our family $28.80

  2. JesusNo Gravatar Says:

    C’mon Tim, go see Ender’s Game. Who doesn’t love a movie based on a book written by a horrible person?

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