Failure comes standard


Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb

November 1st, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb
Day 1

I blogged for all 30 days in September and called it “30 Days and 30 Blogs 3.” I blogged for all 31 days in October and called it “Blog2ober.” Amazingly enough, after 61 straight days of subjecting you good people to my constant nonsense (or, “Constense”TM), I am not ready to quit. So I’m going to keep the party rolling for another month with “Talkin’ Turkey With Tim Babb.” I vow to bring you a new blog every day through the end of November. When it’s all over, I will have spent more than 1/4 of the year blogging. Mind = blown!

Since today is the day after Halloween, I thought I would talk a little bit about my Halloween experience. This was my second year trick or treating with my son. And this is my 4th year having the whole family dress in themed costumes. I decided we should go with one of my wife’s favorites and we went with a Harry Potter theme this year. My plan was to have our son be Harry Potter and my wife and I be his dead parents. My wife said that didn’t make sense so she and I went as Ron and Hermione…because that makes more sense :/

I guess Ron and Hermione got held back…a lot.

I even decorated our house with printouts of the Daily Prophet newspaper, had Harry Potter music piping out of the garage, had The Goblet of Fire playing in our kitchen window…I even carved one of our pumpkins into the sorting hat.

“I know what house you’re NOT going in…Pumpkin Carving House!

However all of this was lost because our street was the street that Halloween forgot. The only people who came to our door were our friends Geoff and Miranda (who we invited over to take their kids trick or treating with us) and our neighbors. We even left the candy bowl outside while we trick or treated and almost all of it was still there when we got back.

“Hello? …anybody?”

C’mon people, how am I going to feel shame about my sad Harry Potter pumpkin if no one sees it and mocks it?

“Oh…right…that’s clearly Harry Potter”

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