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A Sneak Peak at the Next Kingdom Comedy

September 10th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

30 Days and 30 Blogs
Day 10

For those of you who don’t know, I am a huge Disneyland fan. Back in 2007, I started a web series called “Tim Babb’s Kingdom Comedy.” It started off as a way for me to do the Disneyland jokes that I wanted to put in my stand up act…but were too obscure for “main stream” audiences. It sort of morphed into a Disneyland sketch show. Anyway I did quite few of them, but then I took a bit of a hiatus when my son was born. This year I’ve stated up again but it’s been a while since my last one. Rest assured, I’m not going on break again, it just takes a bit longer to put these together and I have to be a bit more creative now that I can’t run to the park with my camera any time I want.

All this to say there are at least 2 new episodes that are very close to being done. I thought I’d give the folks who suffer through my blog a “treat” by letting you see a few screen caps from the work in progress.

Does that freak you out? It’s supposed to be the Disney cartoon version of yours truly. But why am I holding that microphone at Disney California Adventure? I guess you’ll have to wait and see.

And here’s something for the ladies. Really want to keep the details of this one under my hat until it’s ready, but I couldn’t deny you a sneak peak at my “big, buffed and super sexy” look.

Well that’s it. Hope you’ll check out the videos when they’re done. Thanks for reading.

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